Persistent Haters


Goor Morginn Vikings! This day I much prefer to issue my greetings in Old Norse. It’s the eighth day of the new year and already we have experienced and survived our first snow storm.

It’s the eighth day of the new year and already we have experienced and survived our first snow storm. One would think with a new year unfolding even the weather would be on its best behavior, but, I guess that’s wishful thinking.

Well, just like the weather decides to act up or carry on silly shenanigans from previous years, our nemeses never take a holiday. Or, at least mine do not.

Although it is another year to turn over a new leaf the haters much prefer to carry the sweet stench of sabotage into 2017.

In only a few days of the new year, I have been plagued with all sorts of sabotage. From imbeciles trying to hack into my computers, bank accounts and being blocked every which way in business. I mean it is just ridiculous.

At first, you barely notice what they are up to until all hell breaks loose and you find yourself quelling mini-dramas all over the place. You begin to wise up when you know that you dotted every “I” and crossed every “T”, but then out of nowhere, you are broadsided by the evil masterminds.

I am usually working quietly minding my own business while the haters conspire in Haterville just harnessing plans to thwart my groove. At times I am in disbelief because so many of them are doing way better than I am but they just can’t bear the idea I might end up victorious so they often try to put a spanner in the works.

All they have managed to do is to affirm God’s promises because the bible tells us that when we are closest to our victory, that is when the gnats, haters, and bad minded people are most busy trying to douse our efforts.

Given the chance, they would emaciate my life and livelihood in a nanosecond just because they are jealous and they actually believe their own publicity.

You may ask me who the haters are, I can only surmise they are family members and a few curious nellies. Their petty annoyances may seem trivial but in the grand scheme of things it is mean spirited and plain old evil.

These are the same people who will talk about me not progressing yet they are the very ones who will block me, try to stop me or create insurmountable obstacles so that it becomes an arduous task for me to attain my goals.

But here’s the thing, the demons we wrestle with aren’t  happy unless they are conducting spiritual warfare. If we want to be victorious we must disarm the principalities and powers that seek to destroy us without a cause, putting them to shame (Col. 2:15).

The scriptures tell us, the enemy works in deception, so if a demon can deceive you, it can gain power in your circumstances. At times it is not that we are passive and allowing them to win.

They have learned how to master cunning behavior patterns and deceit while navigating in the midst of those who are earnestly trying to make a difference.



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