Mischief Makers


It seems to me that when people are not able to demolish your life with the lies they fabricate, then it becomes time to enlist your nearest and dearest to be part of their hate fest. Or they will try to create the illusion that there are enemies in your camp that you are not aware of.

Since I am a Scorpio woman I often find their efforts amusing because let’s be real….Scorpios only trust very few people and one of them happens to be God, so, you can imagine the array of hand-picked individuals that are on their trustworthy list.

I have found, when folks aren’t able to fluster you with their own misgivings and hatred they will start on your family tree. When I lived in Florida, I was constantly being compared to my sisters because in some aspects they were more mild mannered than I was.

It is no secret that when people annoy me or mishandle my affairs I will let them know in no uncertain terms that they are being extra and inappropriate. At times I may have to raise my voice a few octaves so they get my drift and realize I am not joking.

Due to my no-nonsense, tell it like it is nature, there are many “frenemies” in my sphere who would much rather twist events to suit their purposes. So when I began hearing rumors in Florida like, “She is not at all like her sisters….This one is a pit bull.” I became quite miffed.

Normally, I would not care two fiddlesticks about the drivel, gossiping Nellies spew, but this time it was personal because of the context in which the statement was made. You see, they were insinuating that I was raised in a barn simply because I would not let people take advantage of me or lead me down the garden path.

It is as if they expected me to roll over and play dead to all the shenanigans which were unfolding in front of me, many times placing me in harm’s way. Not only were they insulting my rearing but they were basically suggesting my sisters were soft soaps.

Yes, I may be a bit high strung at times but is it never without provocation looming in my midst. I am not some crazy, psychotic, human being who gets her jollies running around like a screaming valkyrie for no reason at all.

My approach in the world may be different because I lead a very sheltered life and for the most part a Pollyanna existence. So when people acted off kilter it took me by surprise and at times shocked the very core of my being.

My sisters on the other hand, had the privilege of being guided by my biological father constantly which made all the difference. Many times he ran interference for them while I battled the demons, charlatans and vagabonds all by myself.

Therefore, if at times I may seem abrasive it is a side effect from battling one on one with aggressors for too long. The fact about mischief makers is this; they never really know the subjects they are talking about so they fill in the blanks hoping their dastardly deeds will accomplish their evil ploys.

If they knew my sisters, they would know, they are quite similar in temperament to me except they have a very different modus operandi. No one spends any time around my biological father without absorbing some of his no-nonsense ways.

My sisters have their limits to being nice and kind. When those limits are exasperated, watch out because it is hell’s bells and bacanal. Most of the times you won’t even see them coming because they are so good at playing the nice and copasetic game.

Quite frankly, I would much prefer a raving lunatic like myself than their covert, sinister ways but I guess in the grand scheme of things we balance out each other. I am the one with the distracting theatrics and they are the ones who zoom in and handle the situation.

So while these mischievous gnats are busy weaving their web of deception and enmity, they would be well advised to know that my personality has very little to do with the way I was raised. It is basically an affirmation of my DNA.

From all the tales I have been told when I was a little girl there is not one single solitary person from my biological mother’s family or my biological father’s family that were easy step-overs. They all stood their ground and fought for what they believed in.

Therefore, when others do their best to make me feel inferior in comparison to my sisters I laugh heartily. The only thing they may have had over me is my biological father’s prudent advice and guidance, but I did have an adoptive father who tried his best at times, so I don’t think I missed out on anything because I filled in the blanks on my own somewhere along the way.

My point is, I feel my sisters and I are equally awesome in our own unique ways. People will try to create rifts and wedges with their lies and treacherous acts, but eventually the truth will prevail.

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