The Changing Tides


These are exciting and ominous times here in the United States. The country is on the precipice of finding out if the they re going to be steered towards good leadership and meaningful changes for all residents.

There are revolts occurring in the name of women’s rights and human rights, and although many demonstrations have escalated to outrageous displays of violence, there are a few which convey some pertinent concerns.

I am all for the people speaking out about injustices but when it turns into violence  and chaos, causing injuries and deaths the points being made lose their significance, credibility and power.

There has to be a way where people can express their displeasure without their displays catapulting into complete disregard for authority, crimes and destruction of property.

It is true that in the past in America rights may have been won through violence and hateful displays, but as we all can attest, fundamental changes did no occur because decades later the same issues are cropping up.

Real and lasting change can only happen  through intelligent displays of disagreement; which are a series of talks, summits, quiet and peaceful demonstrations, sanctions and boycotts.

When violence becomes the order of the day nothing gets accomplished. When property is damaged and people are hurt the impact of the messages are diminished because the very issues many are revolting against, turns out to create more of the same.

These are interesting times though, because people are realizing that racism, sexism and biased thinking is alive and well and living in the US. They are also becoming aware that it begins in families and is perpetuated among many ethnic groups with their various systems of snobbery.

It is my opinion that a lot of the hate and dissension in America has stemmed from false caste systems. Systems where bourgeoise Black Americans looked down on some foreigners,  and white Americans who are from humble begins and vice versa.

This malady does not exist in America alone it is slowly spreading to other countries as well. I grew up in Jamaica in a time where even though people were affluent and wealthy they could find common ground with anyone from any caste system.

Today, most people from the Caribbean and folks who are from various backgrounds and ethnicities seem so full of themselves that they often have negative things to say about others who do not match their ideals. This type of thinking is what is creating the hatred and displeasure. Because people are no longer tolerant of each other and their origins.

Somewhere along the way some individuals began believing their own publicity making it the scale by which others are judged. It is almost as if they deemed themselves quality control advocates denouncing anyone who does not comply with their grandiose schemes.

In the big picture of life we are all humans living a surreal existence on this planet earth. The only factors which make us different are ethnicity,  life experiences and socio-economic status but in God eyes it does not matter because we are all equal!

While everyone is focused on Making America Great Again, we should be more committed and interested in Making America Tolerant Again. Tolerant of personalities, Tolerant of Illnesses, Tolerant Of Disabilities, Tolerant of each other’s short comings!

In other words, people should not be written off because they fail to match up to society’s standards. In the grand artwork of life we all #MATA.

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