
We live in a time where entrepreneurialism has taken center stage. Every day we are being advised by successful business gurus to strive for success in order to live large or live the good life.

All the encouragement and motivation are contagious however navigating the real world one quickly finds out that when you aspire to be more life becomes besieged with people who covet you mercilessly and vultures breathing down your back.

As I have stated many times before, I am a very private person who rarely allows others a close-up view into my life, so on the rare occasion when I let my guard down and invite others into my personal space or lifestyle I expect them to act honorably.

By that, I mean whatever happens at “Shangrila” stays at “Shangrila”. The reason why I have become even more adamant about this stance is because on previous occasions when I indulged others allowing them access to my home, they often went back divulging details such as informing people that I have too many products. Basically, they felt I had too much of everything.

The nosey parkers would literally ask to use my bathroom and go snooping in my medicine chest, shampoo and hair conditioner drawers, linen closets and wardrobe. The fact was, they were not just snooping out of curiosity they were snooping so that they could carry news back to my haters so they could further plot ways to put an end to my prosperity.

The fact of the matter was, nothing I had attained was given to me on a silver platter. I toiled diligently and made sacrifices along the way to acquire my lot in life. It is strange that I view others living largesse lives acquiring the best life has to offer and I do not covet them one bit for what they have.

However, that has not been my experience. We get an education and work hard so that we can have the best life has to offer, but in the midst of acceleration, there are always the termites gnawing away at our advancement.

The one lesson in life I have learned is, even though you may want the world to know how God has blessed you and how successful you have become; sometimes you have to just keep a low profile and show less of what you have because as sure as the sun shines the jealous mongers will find a way to scam you out of everything!

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