Jamaica’s Abyss

  It is no doubt that Jamaica is one of the most beautiful and progressive countries in the Caribbean. The people are warm, friendly and congenial. Jamaica has always been an island which promoted and cherished academic accomplishments, and one of the factors which have made Jamaicans unique is the reality that they can be … More Jamaica’s Abyss

Flying The Coop

In every family, there are eras and times no one really speaks of. Sometimes actions are taken for damage control purposes and life continues as if it never happened. In my life that would be the period before all the drama occurred. My biological father was a man of great foresight and he knew that … More Flying The Coop

Serious Cats

Back in the day, the word “cats” was used to describe the male gender who were into nefarious activities. Nowadays, I am sure the word is used in so many other contexts, nevertheless, when others hear it they know to be on their P’s and Q’s. There is a story I am going to tell you … More Serious Cats

Our “House” Is Under Attack

In astrology, there are twelve houses to match the twelve zodiac signs. Each house is associated with different aspects of our lives. For instance, vitality, money earned, material goods, surroundings, siblings, home, family, love, co-workers, investments, professional destiny, ordeals, and enemies. To be more specific the twelve houses refer to the “house system” in general. Currently, my … More Our “House” Is Under Attack

Working With Cancer

A diagnosis of cancer is never an easy thing to hear or accept. It is a surreal moment that no one can ever describe. Nevertheless, you put a super “H” on your chest and handle it. Some people become proactive by devising a strategic plan of survival. Meaning, they create ways in which they can … More Working With Cancer