Racing Capital Of The World


In this life that God has given us, if we remain vigilant and steadfast eventually those of us who have  been crucified while being on the righteous path, at some point or another will receive vindication.

I am specifically referring to folks who have been wrongfully accused when people know there are issues regarding some of life’s travails.

For instance, as quiet as it is kept Florida is one of the unofficial racing capitals of the world. With Tampa being the city of renegade drivers.

When I moved to Florida, I knew I was embarking on a new life because it required me to drive everywhere because of the vast landscape. Although I felt equipped because I had taken all the practical theory as well as defensive driving courses to ace my new lifestyle; I could not get over the blatant disregard for human life on the roads.

Once I got on the highways, I soon learned two things, there was not enough of God around me to stop me from swearing because some of the drivers showed no regard for safety. Secondly, I knew each day I tackled the roads there was always the possibility of not returning home.

I also realized that although I was busy being a model driver by obeying the road codes the rest of the motorists were not. Initially, I would blame myself for not being seasoned enough, but when I realized that motorists in general were not adhering to signaling  or even being thoughtful towards another driver on the road, I knew there was a problem.

I would rant and rave especially if I had an appointment across town and some mean spirited driver refused to acquiesce to my signaling. I usually went two to three exits out of my way just to avoid being an aggressive driver.

Some people would comment that it was not a big deal, but, in the grand scheme of life it is a huge deal. When a driver chooses to be inconsiderate it costs the other person additional time. It throws him/her off course because  silly motorists believe if they take two seconds to be polite by yielding, it is going to subtract something away from his/her life.

After a while it didn’t matter who I complained to about fellow motorists’ flippant attitudes towards obeying road codes. I was mocked and made to believe I was an inferior motorist just because I did not play their renegade games.

It is strange how breaking the rules and the law can become quite normal to some people that they are rarely ever interested in correcting their wrongs and making things right. For many years my complaints fell on deaf ears. Even when I had endured my accident and was certain that a drunk driver had disobeyed the traffic devise, the powers that be covered it all up in a neat package and wanted to blame me because I was the new kid on the block.

Fast forward several years later, revolts are coming from many directions in Florida, about their racing ways and complete disregard for traffic laws. Whilst I had felt like the lone wolf protesting all the illicit driving manners that were being played out on the highways and byways of Florida, I was secretly ridiculed for making a big fuss about “nothing”.

Nowadays, even the younger generation who are rough and tough, and who seem to have a handle on all phases of life are growing squeamish about the safety conditions on Florida roads.

It is bad enough to know that humans have to exercise caution when handling mechanical equipment, however, when those same humans combine drugs or alcohol and their reckless driving ways, it makes for deadly recipes.

Because as sure as the sun shines some poor sod will come along and end up being  a victim of the reckless.Unless God resides in the hall of justice, that poor sod will be victimized twice because they will maim him/her out of carelessness and then proceed to take his/her money and give to the race car drivers/druggers as a reward. The sad truth is, those who are embroiled in corruption cannot even fathom the existence of anyone living above impropriety.

As beautiful as Florida is there is a lot of tragedy which has occurred on those palm tree lined roads,. First they maim you and then rob you of your money, putting their dastardly deeds in a neat package and  bow because they think you are clueless to their shenanigans.

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