When Someone Says, “I Love You…”


I love you are three words every human being wants to hear at some point in their lives. There are some people who say these words so frequently that at some point you have to stop and ask yourself if they truly know the meaning of the word. Especially if their actions do not match their words.

Then, there are the rest of us who have a bit of difficulty having those words roll off our tongues. It is as if our mouths refuse to cooperate with our hearts. So, we devise other ways to show we love and care for those closest to us.

Perhaps we pray for them whenever they are not aware. Or we may perform a random act of kindness that they don’t even know we were responsible for. For some of us, we show love through our culinary skills.

Nonetheless, “I Love You” are words that are not to be taken lightly because they are not easily expressed.

It is never a good practice to toy with anyone’s feelings if you have no intentions on reciprocating the emotions intimated.

There are those of us in the world who really don’t know how to respond when someone says these words to us. Whether it is a relative, friend or love partner, we magically become frozen in time.

Personally when someone expresses their love for me, if I am feeling it I will say, “I love you too….” If I am not feeling their vibe I will say simply, “Thank you for that.”

If the person shows displeasure towards my response and insists I expound on my answer, I may say I care for him or her a lot but that is as far as I can go. I will never tell anyone I love them unless I mean it sincerely.

If it isn’t coming from the heart then I will not even attempt saying it. Although some people believe we should tell people we love them so they know. I believe if they have any sparks of intuition, they will know we love them by the little things we do.

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