Jamaican Women Rarely Cheat


Loyalty is a virtue most humans aspire to, yet very few are able to uphold its standards. The art of being loyal is not something you can learn. It is bestowed on individuals who choose to emulate specific examples which are set for them in life.

Although in school we are taught the finer points of loyalty through sportsmanship and other social endeavors ultimately it is a personal choice.

Growing up in Jamaica a woman’s life seemed clear and defined. There were no gray areas. You went to school, got an education, built a career,  and then settled on someone to marry. Once married, you stayed married for life.

In todays’s dating climate most relationships are not written in stone therefore if a Jamaican woman is in a monogamous relationship she will take it quite seriously until she realizes it is going nowhere. At that point, she will lay her cards on the table giving the other party the opportunity to amend his ways.

If her suitor does not take heed, she will move on to greener pastures. I don’t think being proactive can be called cheating. In actuality, it is really just making an executive decision not to waste precious time.

Like penguins, Jamaicans tend to find people they can mate with for life. In the seventies and eighties in Jamaica you rarely heard of divorces; and when you did it was a major scandal. Most of the times it was usually the males’ fault because they cheated or violated some sacred trust.

One of the reasons I believe that most Jamaican women are loyal is because they are very vocal about what they expect from a mate. If those guidelines are met, they are happy resigning themselves to married life. They are also self sufficient enough to endure their marriages regardless of the adverse situations which may arise.

Most Jamaican men understand what is expected of them in relationships, so whether or not they are faithful,  Jamaican women know they are going to take care of home and hearth regardless of their extracurricular activities. Jamaican men also know if they are sloppy with their philandering ways, there will be dire consequences.

It is very rare you will find a Jamaican woman tipping out on her marriage. If there is  ever a time she does, you can bet your gold nuggets there is abuse going on in the home. Whether it is financial, physical, emotional or verbal, by the time she makes the decision to try greener pastures she has surpassed her limit of the amount of bad treatment she is willing to take.

A lot of foreigners misconstrue Jamaican women because many have a hotsie-totsie image. Yet beneath all the glamor and sparkles, there is intelligence, wit and charm. A lot of reggae songs have depicted them as the sort of women who like to go carousing and at anytime may have 2-3 men waiting in the wings.

Some Jamaican women are even notorious for having many different boyfriends for different areas of their lives. For instance, one for appearances, one to pay the bills, one for emotional support, one to cuddle with and one to travel or have adventures with and finally one who spoils them rotten.

Sadly some of these stereotypes are relegated to some dance hall queens and women looking to come up in the world. The well brought up Jamaican women or princesses know that their fathers will not accept anything but the right man who will give them everything they need and want.

One of the reasons why Jamaican fathers are protective and selective when it comes to their daughters is because they make sure to supply them with the tools they need to navigate the world and take care of themselves. Therefore, if some guy is taking up their daughter’s time and efforts they expect nothing less than an individual who is going to be a formidable partner.

Jamaican fathers don’t want to hear their daughters crying because some jerk or knucklehead of a husband does not have a solid plan. Although the fathers are very adamant in their stances, they also expect their daughters to honor their vows once married. There is generally very little leeway for them to run home to mummy and daddy when things get a bit dicey.

From an early age most Jamaican fathers teach their daughters that a man is going to be a man, meaning, that they will cheat. The role of a wife and mother is explained to her where she understands that even though a man may run wild, she cannot. Jamaican fathers have no qualms emphasizing the way society will perceive her. In no uncertain terms they will tell their daughters she will be viewed as as a garden tool if she chooses to gad about town like a man.

So from the beginning of every marriage a Jamaican girl/woman hopes for the best, and prays her husband will not cheat. However, in the off chance that he does, she also knows to carry on with her own affairs and lay down some stringent ground rules to protect herself.

If on the off chance a Jamaican woman does cheat, I think it is safe to say, if you are the other half, you better get lawyered up because she is definitely leaving you. If anything, I would say Jamaican women upgrade in a jiffy. They are not going to hang around for the ax to fall on a bad marital situation.

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