The Dictatorship



It is strange sauntering through life with intellectual curiosity. It causes one to explore the mundane and poignant parts of living. If you are a hyperactive person like myself there will be moments when you experience Attention Deficit Disorder or an overload of excitement guaranteed to befuddle the mind.

When young, at first you are not able to decipher between good energy and bad energy so many times when soaking up vibes if not careful you can deplete your energy due to lack of discernment.

Apparently, my adoptive parents did not pay too much attention to that part of my life because they sort of harbored a free range mentality when it came to parenting.

After I made numerous mistakes apparently the penny section began weighing in telling my adoptive parents that one of the reasons why I am not settled is because I am allowed to exercise too much free will.

Apparently being in long term relationships is not good enough for them. The local gentry felt that if I was not married, living in a house with a white picket fence, with the 2.5 kids and the SUV I was conducting my life in the wrong fashion.

They began waging a campaign insisting I have to be told what to do, how to do it and when to do it. Since every aspect of my personality bothers most people who don’t even know me. Even my fashion choices buggers them. They have a problem because I have my own sense of style, which makes them want to treat me like a child where I am told what to wear because I wear too much black clothing.

If these people had it their way my human rights would be stripped away from me and I would be living in a complete dictatorship. It is as if they feel I should be a cookie cutter image of them.

The individuals who object to my choices in life are mostly family members who have a cliquish mentality. However, I am not part of their clique and do not wish to be like them because I am me, and I like being me.

So why are they trying to limit my choices and free will to suit themselves? There are people running around scantily clad in this family and they don’t seem to have a problem with them but they are making drama out of my life choices simply because I would much rather date than pick a dud for a partner.

In the bible, there is no time frame on being married or settled. It is funny how people twist my life experiences for their own benefit. When I was younger and on the fast track to the marriage aisle they were all up in arms exclaiming that if I got married too young it would be hells bells and bacchanal. They practically suggested that the only reason why I should get married is for companionship.

What my parents have neglected to tell people is that the suitors I like they don’t like and the ones they prefer are usually weird and lack wit and personality.

For a moment they had me fooled because they made me believe they were quite alright with my sauntering through the garden attitude. They seemed to have no qualms about my laissez faire thoughts towards nuptials, but it was all a farce.

Secretly they were siding with the local gentry and just waiting to unleash their sinister plot of control, conquering and dividing. Why is it women are never rated until they get hitched?

In this life it does not matter if they get married and divorced a thousand times, they are still lauded. But the ones who take their time because they do not want to end up in divorce court are viewed as weird, creepy and crazed.

Part of the dictatorship plan is to get jalapeno into my private matters and muddle my affairs. Their idle banter spread far and wide to the point that my beau had joined their regime.

He decided to put a tracking device on my car so he could know where I was at all times without telling me. But there was just one small hitch with his little plan…The device was somehow connected to the ignition. So, one day when I was out and about I realized my engine kept cutting on and off.

I thought surely there must have been a mechanical problem so I took the car to a mechanic shop and that is when I found out that a tracking device had been placed on the vehicle.

I for one do not understand why everyone around me acts so strangely. It is as if I have entered Stepford County. The thing is, ever since I was a toddler I had a mind of my own and outside of business endeavors I really do not take kindly to people trying to control or manipulate me.

I am basically like sand. if you leave me alone and let me do my thing I am quite predictable however if you stifle me I will become an obtuse nightmare. I think most people are like that, no one really likes being dictated to.

In today’s society, people feel they have a right to bully you into marriage, having children and whatever else their sadistic minds come up with. Yet when you call their bluff you are met with labels such as “fast” hot” and “thirsty”.

I often get a chuckle because even the penny section seems more perplexed about life than I am.  The truth about life is, not everyone was made for marriage and although there may be a match for everyone the path to sealing the deal is an arduous task because a good percentage of people are commitment phobics.


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