Training & Straining

    Parenting is one of the toughest vocations humans will ever encounter in this life because at the end of the day all of their actions or lack thereof, help to mold another human being. There is really no wrong way or right way to parent. The only ingredients necessary are love, concern and … More Training & Straining

Uniquely Different

At times when we express how different we really are as individuals it may come off as being arrogant or even sound cliché. The truth is, we are all different. Each of us has a way of doing things differently which makes us special. Some of my critics may view me as pretty much a … More Uniquely Different

Financial Freedom

Most people view financial freedom as winning the lottery or coming into a huge windfall that will magically make all their debts dissipate. For me, financial freedom is being able pay my bills without juggling. We live in an age where lifestyle gurus tell us that if we only become entrepreneurs we will be making … More Financial Freedom

The Cult

Since my return from Florida I have noticed how strangely every one of my family members have been acting. It is as if they are under duress, and at times appear to be afraid to show me any genuine concern, or affection. My entire family from Jamaica to America and Florida has turned into a … More The Cult

The Pseudo Porn Show

  All the events which are currently unfolding in our world is shaking us up to awaken us because we have fallen into a drunken stupor where morality, principles and integrity are concerned. It has become the norm for some young women to engage in pornographic activities by publicizing their intimate body parts on the … More The Pseudo Porn Show

Our Brutal Culture

It is an utter disgrace when women can no longer go about their daily activities without being harassed, groped and fondled. The new “anything goes” dating regime has ushered in an era where some men feel they can just take what they want, whenever they want to. Gone are the days when there was a … More Our Brutal Culture