The Cult


Since my return from Florida I have noticed how strangely every one of my family members have been acting. It is as if they are under duress, and at times appear to be afraid to show me any genuine concern, or affection.

My entire family from Jamaica to America and Florida has turned into a bunch of emotionless mimes, walking on egg shells because they have been chastised into treating me atrociously.

Suddenly the ones who had no place or legal rights in their lives are having more control than ever, and to me it is mind boggling because my folks have exuded signs of being hypnotized and taken over.

At first, it appeared to be only my adoptive parents then my biological parents began acting out of character as well. I even remembered on one of the conversations I had with my biological father he told me that I should not put too much effort into being number one as far as birth order was concerned.

It looks like the hateful gentry have a problem with me claiming my birthright as el numero uno. I think they are audacious for playing with the hands of God.

At the time my father made the comment, I believed he was just simplifying  life for me as he often does, but as I have delved deeper into my own spirituality and meditations I have found out the war I am fighting is not only one on the earthly plane but one on the supernatural and spiritual realm.

God has spoken to me and revealed that both my family in Jamaica and my family in America have been taken under siege by a cult. A cult which is angry, hungry and determined for money and power. They also want anything else they can get their grimey hands on.

The drastic change in my family’s behavior is a result of violent threats on my life and spiritual safety.  They have made it quite clear that if my family does not comply with their wishes to laud others over me they will try to poison me or harm me any way they are able to.

It all boils down to a matter of ethnicity. For them I am too white and they would much prefer to have someone in charge of my family who can represent the minority race giving them favor from time to time.

If I were to rise to my true potential they believe they will not be lauded and applauded therefore forgotten.

So what is their gripe really…..?

They want me to kill myself because I refuse to play their games. What are their games you may ask? Let’s just say it involves sinning and immoral activities.

All their threats of physical and spiritual harm are nothing more than bullyism taking center stage.

At first I asked myself who are these characters wreaking havoc at every juncture of my life? But it wasn’t as plain as people just trying to be intrusive. This cult has been studying and infiltrating my family since the early 1970’s . They came in the form of friends, classmates and paramours.

My father often told me when there are large amounts of money involved the games get escalated to the likes of Operatic presentations. As I reflect on all the experiences I have encountered in my years on earth I have become painfully aware it was all an illusion for the greater plan of absconding with the family fortune in plain sight.

I know this may sound crazy, but recently another attempt was made to harm me. As I turned alabaster white from the tainted products I was sold, and clutched the walls for dear life because whatever chemicals were used caused me to experience severe heart palpitations. In the critical moments which proceeded,  I knew it was another covert attempt to get me out of the way.

As I mustered up the energy to spring into action to save myself and prayed the moment would pass I had an epiphany that my birth was no ordinary one and whatever forces which were trying to do me in would soon find out that I can give back as good as I get.

You see, my birth was an auspicious one. I was born with certain signs which indicated one was a natural born witch.  Throughout my entire life I was followed by priests, shamans and spiritual leaders because they knew I harnessed certain gifts.

Even I was not aware of the magnitude of my gifts until I began maturing. The only other persons who were aware of my spiritual enlightenment was my birth mother and my granny.

My gentle nature which some of my haters have written off as being stupid and docile is nothing more than a fact finding mission to decipher if they come in the name of peace or war.

This cult which exists may try to threaten my family and even attempt to instill fear in me, but I am not afraid of them because I am ordained, blessed and sanctified by God. Anyone who tries as much as to hurt one hair on my head will feel the full potential of God’s wrath.

So my family may cower because they care for me and no one really has time for unnecessary drama. I have ridden the wave of their diabolic hatred with many attempts to snuff me out, but they should know, that whatever they try to do to me will come back to them in infinite proportions.

I have never hurt anyone and I don’t really know what their bellyaching is about. I can only surmise their hatred is motivated out of jealousy, envy and covetousness. But one thing I am confident in is my own personal power and my trust in God.

Therefore, as I am writing this blog post I know that my enemies will stumble and fall at the mere thought of devouring my flesh or inflicting harm.




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