Financial Freedom


Most people view financial freedom as winning the lottery or coming into a huge windfall that will magically make all their debts dissipate. For me, financial freedom is being able pay my bills without juggling.

We live in an age where lifestyle gurus tell us that if we only become entrepreneurs we will be making six figures. The truth is, it is never as simple as that. The life of a entrepreneur requires a consistent hustle and pounding of the pavement until things begin happening.

For some, it takes years, and for others, they get the right breaks which catapult them into their greatness. Nevertheless winning the lottery or claiming a windfall is not always the answer to financial freedom.

Financial Independence is attained through making a satisfactory, steady income and saving a reasonable amount of it. The reason why most people feel they do not have financial independence is because they are never really paid what they are worth, and they often find themselves juggling to pay bills or borrowing to make ends meet.

In order to feel truly in control of one’s financial life, one has to feel financially capable by earning the correct dollar amount to satisfy needs, such as living expenses, entertainment and personal goals.

Very few people are able to achieve these tasks with just one job. We live in a day and age where folks take two and three jobs for various reasons. Some being, their children’s education, car payments, family vacations and bill paying.

They spend most of their time working for the money, that they rarely have time to enjoy the house they sacrificed for or their family holidays.

Lately, millennials have become painfully aware conventional jobs do not exist anymore and their careers are dependent upon them creating their own opportunities by dabbling into entrepreneurial endeavors.

The individuals who are still relying on jobs to meet their lifestyle needs are coming to terms with the fact they will never be paid what they are truly worth. In today’s job market main jobs are killing people because they are asked to do every task imaginable and are not properly compensated.

Many are so burnt out from their one job that they cannot even fathom taking a second one for fear of destroying their health. Yet, the problem of debt looms and wages are at stagnant levels. Very few companies are paying salaries comparable to living expenses.

To me, financial freedom is about being a good steward over your money and practicing good management. Being a good steward over your finances means demanding companies to pay you what you are worth.

Companies need to realize a happy and settled employee makes for a good worker. It all starts with being compensated competitively. When you are a good steward over your finances you make sure your bills are paid on time, you save more than you spend and you make good investments which will allow you to have a better quality of life.

We are living in times where humans have become indoctrinated into having multiple streams of income. Even while being ambitious and covering all their bases many are still scraping by.

At times they feel futile because they see their counterparts reaching great heights, and wonder what they are doing wrong. The fact is there are some folks who are excelling at their chosen vocations because they have been tenacious enough. While there are others who may appear to be rising up overnight yet beneath it all there are a lot of illicit dealings no one is aware of.

Life has taught me that not all forms of success should be celebrated. Some are due to nefarious, get rich quick schemes, while others are based on dirty money. Either way the good fortune never lasts long and the individuals usually find themselves right back at square one.

It all boils down to building your finances and house on solid, legitimate foundations. Genuine hard work is what eventually pays off and gets results. Although advisors may tell you to work smarter instead of harder, there is only one way to financial freedom and that is working your business plan until it begins yield positive results.


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