Uniquely Different

bohemian hippy gypsy fashion - fashion photpgraphy via pinterest9

At times when we express how different we really are as individuals it may come off as being arrogant or even sound cliché. The truth is, we are all different. Each of us has a way of doing things differently which makes us special.

Some of my critics may view me as pretty much a run of the mill type of person but that is because they really do not know me at all and are basing their assumptions on the rare glances of my life.

However, when they want to be rude and nasty they will exclaim, I am weird, and not in a good way. But tell me, isn’t being weird part of being unique and special?

Here are the reasons why I think I am uniquely different.

1). I can make the most mundane experiences appear more interesting and enthralling than they truly are.

2). I am not squeamish about insects. From childhood I was known as the “Mosquito Destroyer” and “The La Cucaracha Stomper”.

3).  I much prefer combat sports such as fencing, and martial arts.

4). I am a big beauty do it yourselfer. After years of spending a small fortune with estheticians and beauty experts I realized I learned a thing or two. Therefore I am constantly experimenting with beauty products.

5). Unlike some women I am not a gossip. I listen to other people’s kvelling and try to remain impartial.

6). I prefer to roll solo when handling my affairs so when I want to get my “crazy” on my other half does not have to be the voice of reason or feel mortified. Unless he is willing to cheer me on, only then he is quite welcome.

7). I live in my own fantasy world where I am the Governor.

8). I never really sleep. I take cat naps.

9). A couple mornings per week I fast for prayerful intentions.

10). I dislike arguments and bickering and people who create tense environments.

11). I am a bit of a Bohemian fashionwise and in specific activities. I like conducting personal activities at unusual times. (e.g.)The beach at night, the cinema on weekend mornings, parties in the daytime, concerts at noon and HB riding at dawn.

12). Whatever I commit to, I tend to see it through. Fiercely loyal.

13). Every day I am reminded I am 2G2BT (Too Good To Be True). A real person in a fake world.

14). I am a staunch advocate of hydration and moisturization.

15). I am well aware there are people who don’t fancy me, but, I also don’t care because I know they don’t take tea with themselves either.

My list of unique qualities may not be earth shattering to some, but from personal experiences I have become aware of the fact that simple character defects are able to signify the difference of life being beautiful or an arduous task.



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