Training & Straining




Parenting is one of the toughest vocations humans will ever encounter in this life because at the end of the day all of their actions or lack thereof, help to mold another human being.

There is really no wrong way or right way to parent. The only ingredients necessary are love, concern and a whole lot of patience. In our society today, parents are so focused on their children living up to their potential that they are veering off course regarding the important matters.

Kids of today are faced with the dilemma of being overbooked, over trained and inundated with so many academic and social expectations that the process is causing more harm than good.

I realize America is trying to stay competitive with other countries such as China and Japan who ensure their children go to school seven days of the week and are on task as far as being cultured and well rounded.

But as the old clichĂ© goes, no two children are the same and parents have to be able to gage their child/children’s threshold before signing them up for sporting activities, hobbies and social events.

In the past few months there have been a few deaths where children have died because they were involved in rigorous training which in my estimation required the strength of adults.

Some parents have become so mesmerized with the prospect of their male children becoming pro-athletes that they throw caution to the wind regarding their children’s health and stamina.

As a former educator, I find it mind boggling that parents will question their childrens’ grades if it is not competitive enough. Yet, they seldom question injuries on the playing field, the overbooking of their social calendars, the heavy curriculum or the weighty books their children have to tote around.

Many mornings when I am driving to work I wonder if the kids are planning on running away from home because I see them toting these heavy book bags and rolling suitcases that would give even the sturdiest adult musculoskeletal issues.

As with everything in our society even school is becoming big business. The more activities children sign up for the more revenue the school gains. When it comes to text books sometimes bigger means more expensive.

There has to be a way where the students are able to have their own lockers or secure abridged versions of the textbooks so they do not have to put excess strain on their under developed bodies.

Affluent parents may be able to afford digital formats which alleviate the burden of their children lugging around heavy textbooks. However, the children who are experiencing financial hardships should be allowed other alternatives in order to procure their health.

Each parent has to know the potential of their child/children. There are some kids who can handle a lot of activity as well as their studies without any complications. While there are others who will buckle under the pressure.

Youngsters in the millennium have enough stress to deal with by attending school, socializing and not being bullied. If the child/children show an affinity for a certain sport or activity by all means expose them to it or have them participate.

The moment you are able to recognize the activity is taking its toll on their health, emotions or performance in school, then their whole itinerary has to be revised in such a manner where they have little or no stress.

It is a serious day in America when youngsters are dropping dead from heart issues caused by chronic stress, exhaustion and rigorous scheduling.

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