Identity Thieves

  If you have been inhabiting this world for the past twenty years or so, you will realize that beneath the glamorous and teeming surface there are dens of thieves watching, waiting and lurking to steal your identity. Even when you conduct your life like a stealth mission and there is the one time you … More Identity Thieves

Good People On Ice

The business world is so consumed with staying current and in the loop that they are often willing to eliminate their seasoned  workers for more Y2K compliant individuals. While being progressive is part of making companies competitive and relevant, they err when they choose not to train their long term employees. Although the younger generation … More Good People On Ice

The World Of Fashion Beauty & Unimaginable Bollocks

Foreword: It is every girl’s dream to be a fashion model or beauty icon of sorts. As children, we all play with Barbie dolls and paper dolls; secretly hoping to live out our childhood fantasies. When some of us mature, we find out our dreams are attainable and we set out to conquer the glamorous … More The World Of Fashion Beauty & Unimaginable Bollocks

Corpa and Pharma

This blog post is meant to be a cautionary tale for anyone who still believes in the pious nature of corporations and pharmaceutical companies. The events occurring in the world are not a result of random manifestations. It is due to the chicanery, thievery  and blatant disregard for integrity amongst those who are chosen to … More Corpa and Pharma

Pretty Boys Part 2

  Smart people in the world know that to whom much is given a great deal is expected. In today’s society the sentiment would be translated as, “Nothing in life is free, there is always a price to be paid….” I previously wrote about my two male cousins who were besieged by male admires offering … More Pretty Boys Part 2