A Refresher Course For Beaus


Dating in the millennium is nothing short of guerilla warfare. However, if you happen to be in relationship with a Scorpio woman, forget about eras because they only believe in the eras of Romanticism and chivalry….Everything else is just malarkey.

Scorpio women believe you should start a relationship the way you want it to end. If you start it with no drama, honor, decency and respect, it will end in that manner or if you are lucky not at all.

Scorpio women are very persnickety and they can be turned off by the slightest action or lack thereof. By nature, they are detail oriented so they expect their beaus to be the same.

They detest when anyone is late. Punctuality is one of the areas which they will use to decide if you are worth their time. When a date or steady beau is late it says to them that they are not really interested and just kind of going along for the ride.

Scorpio women are too busy and intense for lookie-loos. You are either in it to win or as far as they are concerned you can take a hike.

They expect you to be attentive, almost psychic to their whims and intentions. You might be saying, “That’s crazy, how is a suitor or beau supposed to know what they like, etc.?”

That’s the point, they are a bit ridiculous with their expectations but, they also know if someone is committed enough or interested enough they will do their homework. This is how a Scorpio woman separates the men from the boys.

Most Scorpio women are very considerate, caring and intuitive. They usually can tell if you are coming off of a relationship, might be in a relationship or have a bevy of broads waiting in the wings.

At which point they will tell you quite boldly, “Thanks, But No Thanks.”

When a Scorpio woman ends a relationship she destroys all evidence of the relationship. She doesn’t call her ex for commiseration, pep talks or other conjured up excuses. When she has moved on, she does so with a clean slate.

Her exes may still be pining over her, and hoping for a reconciliation but as far as she is concerned that is in their minds.

So, when beaus try to make a Scorpio woman jealous with other women whether they are exes, friends or colleauges, they lose interest fast. A beau who is sloppy about other women suggests to them they are playing games and are more interested in being Don Juan Esteban.

Any beau who tries to rile up the shadow emotions of a Scorpio with jealousy and mixed feelings is only toying with a  trip to Hell. The truth be told, Scorpio women play the jealousy card much better than any sign of the zodiac because they are natural dramatists.

Therefore, it becomes an endless charade of extravagant theatrical acts which will ultimately culminate into the demise of the relationship.

For beaus who become secure in the fact that they have nabbed a Scorpio woman and can resume their regular activities of conquering the world, don’t be surprised if the rug gets pulled faster than a designer making renovations.

Scorpio women do not like being taken for granted and they expect to be a priority next to your closest of kin. Just when you think you have them you really don’t.

They expect the same amount of wooing and effort that was put out at the beginning of the courtship to continue in the middle and end, that is if the beau is interested in the long haul.

Scorpio women are always raising their game and leveling up so they expect their beaus to do the same. They are loyal, deep, spiritual, intense individuals and do not take kindly to pretenders or folks who are just curious about them.

If a Scorpio woman gets played, rest assured you will forever be on her shite list and that is never a good place to be…….

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