Is There A Doctor In The House?


Most parents are elated when one of their children or even all of their children aspire to become a doctor. They will sacrifice, scrimp and scringe to make it happen in the hopes that when the child or children become a success they remember the people who were the wind beneath their wings.

Unfortunately, life does not always play out that way. There are many doctors who are focused on healing and doing good in their communities, while there are those who will use their scientific knowledge to gain wealth through nefarious endeavors.

Part of being a healer is being privy to all sorts of botanicals and pharmaceuticals; at times realizing with a bit of alchemy one can create certain outcomes…..Sometimes the results are deadly.

In my family we have all sorts of professionals, lay people and artists, however I have a cousin who has found the secret to conquering the world through conventional medicine.

It is, make friends with questionable characters, use your intelligence, wit and charm to manipulate them, then, when you are in too deep with unsavory characters because they put hardcore drugs on the menu, bargain with them to wipe out certain family members to gain the spoils to appease them.

One particular cousin somehow got himself into a quagmire by making friends with some very unsavory people. While he thought he was having good times and innocent fun with them; they were busy studying him and his profession as a physician, and our family to see how they could use him to get hold of the family’s finances.

For them it was simple, they would use the vocation of my cousin to take care of every single family member who had an ailment. He would pretend to be their family physician offering all sorts of remedies and advice when in fact he was really the angel of death.

He was misusing his connections in the medical field along with the dirty money obtained from the scoundrels. He was consorting with questionable characters in order to bribe medical personnel into prescribing the wrong medications for family members. The underhanded ploy caused cardiac arrests, memory loss, unnecessary surgeries which in the end lead to fatalities or incapacitation.

The most recent victim being my aunt who passed away a year ago. Even before she died large chunks of her fortune and jewelry turned up missing. He tried to make everyone believe she was going senile when in fact he was selling off her jewelry bit by bit to these despicable individuals whose sole purpose was to take over our family.

Almost every other day there is some precarious situation unfolding in various family member’s homes. Mishaps and broken bones are happening out of the blue. Mysterious illnesses are taking hold of elderly relatives and no one can explain or understand why.

At times it appears as if these households are suffering from Munchausen syndrome. Then I started analyzing the matter, becoming aware that the developments were a combination of ill prescribed meds as well as food tampering (i.e.) just adding herbs which do not interact well with each other……Ooops! Terrible mistake…..Get my drift? ;).

The only common denominator they all shared was the fact that my cousin was their trusted confidante and advisor? Hmmm.

For the past few years people have been dropping like flies and fortunes are turning up M.I.A. Coincidence? I think not.

My cousin has found a way to manipulate the health system with promises of wealth and riches for every family member which expires by the slight of their hands.

Right about now you are all thinking I am being super paranoid. Well, let me ease your mind. I was privy to a conversation between my cousin and a certain health care provider and I heard when he said,,,. “Make sure she goes…..!”

At the time I thought they were talking about a favorable event or party. As I contemplated on the matter I became certain they were referring to my aunt….

You know what? A few months after I overheard the conversation, she went, to the great beyond. It was also during that time I believe they were trying to get a 2fer because my medication was tampered with and I became deathly ill.

Although, I believe there are many qualified and honest conventional medical practitioners, I also know there are a few who would look the other way if it meant gaining riches. Therefore for that reason alone I pray and cling to my prowess in natural healing.

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