Corpa and Pharma


This blog post is meant to be a cautionary tale for anyone who still believes in the pious nature of corporations and pharmaceutical companies.

The events occurring in the world are not a result of random manifestations. It is due to the chicanery, thievery  and blatant disregard for integrity amongst those who are chosen to govern large corporations and pharmaceutical companies.

Believe me when I tell you this is a MASSIVE corruption ring being played out right in front of us. It is frustrating and causing many people to take matters into their own hands because they are sick and tired of being duped and robbed.

We live in an era where everyone is easily impressed with the meteoric rise of Silicon Valley millionaires, billionaires and Tekkies taking over the world. The unsuspecting believe it is on account of their intricate minds and ability to cultivate and manage large fortunes.

Vikings, these folks are not getting rich the old fashioned way. They are getting rich by being underground, covert thugs. They are stealing your identities, drugging and pimping but they use the major corporations as a front for their clandestine acts.

So far, they have managed to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes but the time has come where God is slowly unveiling their corruption which has been swept under the carpet all these years.

One only needs to look at the banking crisis. There used to be several major banks any consumer could go to and open an account. Nowadays, there are about 5 major banks where everyone is forced to lodge their money. While doing so a great percentage find that small increments of their funds are coming up missing; or their data is altered in such a way they have difficulty with access to their funds.

When they are not playing hide and go seek with people’s hard earned money they are assessing exorbitant fees to make them bankrupt overnight. The tragic truth is politicians are looking the other way and the watchdog entities are not holding them accountable so they have a devil may care attitude.

Many corporations are gaining a false sense of confidence by stealing folk’s eyes out of their heads. There is no one stalwart enough to hold them accountable for the unprofessional, tacky ways in which they are conducting business.

Perhaps that is why God has sent a leader who does not care about whose palms are being greased in order to get things done the correct way.

The second example which shows the depth of deception and fraudulent times we are living in is the Equifax scenario. These executives within Equifax knew there was a breach in data for two months. While the hackers dilly-dallied for months retrieving innocent people’s data, corporate officers and execs sat on a remedy to contain the breach.

Was it a mere situation where they were overcome with business to deal with the chaos which was unfolding? I think not. They somehow stand to benefit from the identities which will be stolen as a result.

Recently I encountered a scenario where my credit card information was compromised . The individual who did so was having a field day traveling pretending to be me.

It is my belief that the corporation I entrusted with my information misused it. However when they were called on to resolve the situation pronto they tried to put me through hoops questioning my identity when they let criminals misuse my information without actually having my card….Go figure!

At no time at all did they think they should have given the criminals the third degree which they subjected me to. Perhaps if they did, they would not have been prancing around Europe assuming my identity.

Although Big Pharma has always been in the hot seat with regard to their capitalistic ideologies; this time around their gross disrespect for the average consumer may be acknowledged in the ways they water down drugs. They have become bold in providing inferior quality which may adversely affect the health of those who rely on certain meds to stay well.

It is all about maximizing their profits while deceiving the public at large, covertly sending them off into the goodnight. Many of these meds they push through pharmaceutical sales have such horrific side effects that make patients’ original illnesses seem pale in comparison to the damage they cause within the body.

When their  sales representatives go out on sales calls they do not inform physicians of all the heinous side effects of the drugs because it is all about commissions and numbers. If a medical professional is not proactive with research they are inadvertently becoming agents of death.

These underhanded activities have lead to the secretive and mysterious killings of Natural Health Practitioners because they know too much. Naturopaths and holistic health providers have always known there was a permanent remedy for cancer. Big Pharma dismissed them as quacks because they stood to lose huge profits.

The holistic health community has been well aware that many pharmaceutical companies are not using natural botanicals in prescription medications any longer. Instead they are substituting the natural ingredients for fatal man-made chemicals.

Many of us are wondering why young people in their fifties, sixties and seventies are dropping dead. It is due to two powerful reasons; misrepresented pharmaceuticals and ill trained professionals.

The bottom line is, those who are public servants are not committed to serving their communities justly and with integrity. They are only interested in pillaging the communities and causing premature deaths after making people broke from inferior products.

Nowadays, the young and upstarts are engaging in professional careers where they can just coast and appear as if they are qualified and competent. The truth of the matter is many are assuming covers only to make quick money with other illicit activities.

Have you noticed that there are a large number of prescription drugs which may be used as recreational drugs…? Why is that? Because they are laced with dangerous chemicals.

For those who peddle pharmaceuticals they are covering all their bases; the conventional medicine clientele and the street pharmacists. In other words, they are tripling their rewards and lining their pockets quite handsomely, while jeapordizing the health of millions.

Global warming, drugging, cancer and chronic ailments are not taking hold of our society because it is the natural progression of things. They are taking hold because those who have the money and power gained through nefarious dealings are using their authority to manipulate the weather and outcomes to gain control.

Everything which is unfolding right now is all about world domination. A select group of criminals are trying to take over through spreading illnesses, famine, floods and plagues.

Once they have rendered whole communities poverty stricken and helpless, they intend to swoop in and take charge with their clandestine schemes offering escapism through drugs and opportunities via breaking the law.

These are very precarious times where consumers cannot allow big corporations the freedom to have a field day with information entrusted to them. With each indiscretion committed they need to hold them accountable or else consumers will find themselves twisting in the wind while Corpas end up being fatter cats than they already are.

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