Good People On Ice


The business world is so consumed with staying current and in the loop that they are often willing to eliminate their seasoned  workers for more Y2K compliant individuals. While being progressive is part of making companies competitive and relevant, they err when they choose not to train their long term employees.

Although the younger generation may be more advanced in technological endeavors, many lack the business acumen and the art of being meticulous. At first, these oversights may not seem important, however once their actions start trickling down to the customer service aspect of companies, the disparity become obvious.

If you have ever been on the other end of the telephone when dealing with customer service personnel regarding a bill or to resolve an issue, you will know there are gross levels of incompetence due to improper training, poor selection in employee hiring and the inability to be thorough.

A good percentage of these representatives are often in a hurry to rush their customers off the phone by providing them little or no information regarding their concerns. Many consumers usually become ired, and feel duped because they are  left on indefinite hold, made to listen to irritating music choices and at the end of their calls they are dissatisfied. Therefore, in a nutshell their time is wasted.

Company’s shallow goals such as dominating the business world  with branding, images and creating a pristine business reputation tends to overrule quality and giving their customers the best experiences.

They would rather look good from the outside. However when an issue arises, that is when all the skeletons fall out of the closets. It rarely matters what industry you are dealing with. From private sector to the government they are all inundated with employees who may be great at information technology; yet when it comes to administering business practices appropriately, they fall short.

Our business world has turned into a three ringed circus where folks are dazzled by a whole lot of modern packaging. Once the illusion wears off, consumers realize old fashion values and ways of conducting business have been discarded and there are no longer any codes of conduct or honor.

The new working class act as if they are doing customers a favor, even when they give them incorrect information or no help at all. The irony of the whole defunct business society is, there are good, capable individuals who are more than qualified and certified to do the jobs of these neophytes.

The more seasoned, thorough, knowledgeable employees are put on ice because they do not fulfill the new world order goals of being tech savvy and garrishly appealing, thus creating a climate of inferior conduct.

All these business endeavors are having a domino effect on all aspects of business. A large percentage of companies don’t care because in the final analysis they are not interested in being around for the long haul. They just want to make quick money and then get out of the rat race.

The only people who suffer in the long run are consumers and good workers who remain behind the eight ball because no one wants to stand up for Integrity and Quality any more!

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