Pandering To White Supremacy


Got-RacismIn this very mixed up world of ours, every action which is taken or word spoken is sometimes deemed as politically incorrect. At times many of us are encountered with the daunting decision to take sides.

The fact of the matter is, what if we don’t want to, regardless of our origin or ethnicity? What is so wrong about choosing old-fashioned principles and virtues?

As the wise pundits once urged, “There will come a time in everyone’s life when we have to make a choice between wrong and right.”

There will be those who may interpret our actions as pandering to white supremacy or acting too ethnic. The bottom line is, America is developing a conscience.

Citizens are no longer comfortable looking the other way with regard to racism whether against purple, yellow, green, black or white. Each person in this country is choosing to acknowledge Godly principles in his or her own way.

The past few days, policies have been rolled out by the new administration which affects all Americans across the nation. Even folks who are deemed 100 percent American from descendants of the Mayflower are standing up and declaring that injustices are happening everywhere.

Therefore, when others are judged harshly or ostracized by minority groups because they are no longer comfortable going along with the status quo because they do not want to rock the boat, it sends a message that there are still some individuals in the United States who are not willing to look at both sides of the coin.

Although we may all hail from different ethnic backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses we all have divisive issues imposed by society that we are dealing with. So in the grand scheme of life when we choose to stand up for any race we are inadvertently standing up for ourselves.

The people are informing the elitists that their restrictions and segregating attitudes will no longer be tolerated. Fundamentally it is not about being politically correct or seeking publicity, it is about being human.

The good book tells us, “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me.”

There has been a miraculous shift in thinking in this country and although not everyone totes the good book, they are paying attention and acting upon the teachings.

So when critics try to bully us, penalize or ban us by withholding certain rights and justifying their actions by saying we are fighting other people’s battles or pandering to white supremacy, we should stand up for ourselves and let them know that actions we take are about being human and denouncing the lesser of two evils.

We live in a country that allows us to have our own ideas, thoughts, and actions and if we all followed the thought patterns and actions of everyone else because we felt pressured into doing so, then we may as well live in a country ran by dictators.

In the final analysis, questioning or defying racial paradigms is not purely about being able to exercise the right to revolt. Ultimately it is about “the people” taking responsibility for being good citizens.

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