Remembering Nine Eleven


Life as we knew it changed once Nine Eleven happened. Whether you were an immigrant or a natural born American the reality of Nine Eleven tainted your world.

After the World Trade Center attacks the American people changed because they were grief stricken, frightened and horrified. They could not believe such hatred existed in the world.

The aftermath of their raw feelings was evident in their interactions with people from various ethnic groups. Even people who were naturalized citizens felt the distant emotions.

Although many knew their feelings were wrong to lump all foreigners in the category of terrorists and ill-meaning individuals, there was not an immigrant that could not sympathize with them because of the barbaric acts carried out on Nine Eleven.

Sixteen years later, the new administration has decided to roll out stringent measures regarding illegal aliens and the world is in an uproar.

Although it is necessary to create boundaries regarding certain terrorist groups having access to America, there are also many foreigners from Arabic and Islamic regions who are good citizens and do not harbor ill-will towards this country.

The immigration orders which are being executed do not seem to protect most immigrants, foreign nationals and business travelers from many regions outside of the United States.

To some people, it translates as a war on foreign-born individuals as a whole. Rescinding visas which were already doled out by the Immigration and Naturalization Services speaks of an administration that is not willing to be methodical regarding safety precautions.

The masses are revolting because the acts of canceling foreign visas convey Indian Giving. Instead of thoroughly examining the existing foreign visas and eliminating the ones that generate red flags, there seems to be a war being waged on all foreigners regardless of their immigration status.

As a foreign-born person who is a naturalized American Citizen, I have mixed emotions about the debacle on Immigration. Thinking about Nine Eleven makes one feel that some of the immigration restrictions are justified but as a foreign person, I also understand the plight of individuals who were given access to this country only to have their visas revoked by a new administration.

The whole process boils down to integrity. The acts of terror which happened in the past cannot be altered, however, future changes should honor what has already been implemented and focus on future guidelines and restrictions.

When politicians begin welching on deals already in place it instigates a wave of other business individuals to do the same which is a recipe for unprofessionalism and disaster.


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