The World Of Fashion Beauty & Unimaginable Bollocks



It is every girl’s dream to be a fashion model or beauty icon of sorts. As children, we all play with Barbie dolls and paper dolls; secretly hoping to live out our childhood fantasies. When some of us mature, we find out our dreams are attainable and we set out to conquer the glamorous world of fashion and beauty.

The myth about modeling is, most people on the outside believe it is easy work. A career only worthy of loafers and pampered princes and princesses. The reality is quite daunting,  since , models are like the postal workers of the fashion industry.

Regardless of what is going on in their respective lives, they must, get up, show up and be awesome. In today’s market place the supermodel label is quickly fading away, and the new genre of models are leaving the industry professionals speechless……..

In the past, models were professionals, exuding desire, passion and tenacity for the opportunities they received. In the millennium, every young woman and man wants to be famous, or to be seen. Yet they are rarely willing to make sacrifices and pay their dues. It is almost as if they expect their 15 minutes of fame to be knighted upon them.


Chapter 1: Paying Dues

 My story begins reminiscing the days I pounded the pavement to find mediocre modeling assignments. I wasn’t tall enough to be considered a high fashion model. So the choices which were presented to me were either print work for catalogues, fit modeling, trade shows, product promotions or being a Spokesmodel.

I never planned on making modeling a career.  It was a stepping stone to betterment. Therefore, in between all my career endeavors, I often used modeling as a way to make ends meet. Nevertheless, I took the opportunities seriously.

I would spend days at a time toiling endlessly, until I finally got a break from two Jewish women who had founded their own agency. One was a no nonsense, gregarious character, while the other was very mild mannered, and quiet.

Each manager, brought her own set of lessons and rules to the game of modeling. Essentially, they taught me how to maximize my potential and to make every booking, no matter how insignificant, work for me. I soaked up all their advice and wisdom. In no time, I was able to pick, choose and refuse the jobs I wanted to accept.

I worked in several showrooms participating in swimsuit fittings and luxury lingerie, where I was basically treated like a piece of meat. The mostly male environment would be riddled with rude, condescending jokes and I basically had to act indifferently while they joshed around with each other.

At first, I was so excited to be part of this magical and glamorous world, but after a while, it took its toll on me. The strange thing about this world is that it pulls you in with perks such as clothing allowances, invitations to the best events, and when things are going well, everyone is your friend.

Outsiders looking in, believe most models are raking in the dough, but, the truth is, by the time they get paid; their disbursements have already been spent. As an up and coming model, you have an image to maintain. It means living in the right neighborhood, socializing with the A-listers and wearing up to the minute, edgy fashions that will keep the fashion magazines and rumor mills churning.

It takes a lot of “duckets” to maintain the lifestyle and many hours of diligent labor. Even then, the money they make sometimes only covers a fraction of their expenses. I remember the days when I was working non-stop on various bookings, and at the end of the day, I made peanuts.

Not to mention, the rigorous schedule my body endured, and stresses of primping and being as motionless like a mannequin so that designers could get their perfect fit for their garments. In those days, my martial arts lessons came in handy. You were not able to itch, or even sneeze……You had to go to a place of zen to endure. 

Chapter 2: A Model’s Life

 A model’s life is high maintenance. Your hair always has to be the epitome of perfection; which means, you are constantly trying out new hairdressers and hair stylists to keep your look fresh and current. Your skin has to radiate health and wellness, so models do spend a lot of time at spas and health resorts to get their shiny glow.

For the more dermatologically challenged, they may seek the help of a dermatologist and nutritionist which usually requires them going to the best, money can buy. They are the epitome of style, coolness and grace. Therefore, models have to remain “in the know” by wearing the most coveted designer labels.

For a new model starting out, it is sometimes difficult to keep up unless you are backed by a well- established agency with unlimited funds. In my day, the clothing allowances were very generous. In modern society, designers are becoming more frugal with regard to distributing their designs.

They want the models to pay for everything. In prior times, models’ tabs were picked up by their agencies. Whether it was traveling for business or networking, they would be given expense accounts. Nowadays, they are lucky if they get the salary they are entitled to.

My wild journey eventually lead me to model for an imported silk designer. The clothes were phenomenal. They were the perfect example of ultimate luxury. However, as most of us may know, some of the most talented people are deeply flawed. In this situation, the designer had an obsession with drugs which subsequently caused him to overdose.

In the fashion industry, it is not uncommon for some individuals to use drugs. I never did. But, I knew there were others around me that would party like every day was their birthday. When someone dies in such a tragic manner, it really hits home, and you cannot help but become deeply saddened.

The event was sobering and caused me to explore other professional opportunities. The strange phenomenon in my life has always been, no matter how far I roam, my life always comes back to fashion and beauty. Hence, the start of my modeling agency, Global Model & Talent Management.

My company was started due to supply and demand. I had originally intended just to be a resource for new models and retired models. One day, out of the blue, I kept receiving tons of phone calls from young women, men and parents of children wanting me to manage them.

 I had worked as a publicist and model booker for several years. I felt I had a knack for the industry, but one of the pitfalls I could not handle was the “cut throat” aspect. If you are good, your superiors don’t want you to be too good because you will outshine them and become too successful.

 Chapter 3: Once Bitten…..

 I was singed by one of my earlier experiences which made me ambivalent to continue within the industry. But, somehow, God’s supernatural favor ignited what had become a hobby. Suddenly I was being sought out to manage very attractive and creative people. I would say that was a God wink.

Anyway, the deeper I became ensconced in the business I realized how the industry had changed dramatically and my course was being chartered by God. I thought, “Perhaps it was my divine destiny to restore order and dignity to fashion…”

I uncovered the fact that other agencies were not as willing to collaborate on projects and some folks were quite cavalier and haphazard in their business dealings.

I discovered that very few casting companies are willing to pay and when they do, they are basically offering meager earnings. Which made me ponder……….

The gossip magazines constantly report a whole plethora of fabulous contracts, and all the “it” models are splashed on covers, but at the end of the day there is cause for a pause. Are they really making all the money that they say they are? And if so, what else are they doing for the huge pay days?

As a manager, on a day to day basis I get riddled with propositions that seem questionable. At times, I have to take a moment and meditate to decipher the malarkey from the serious minded individuals.

There are folks who will want to hire models so they can stare at them all day. They will even put in requisitions for real beauty bookings, and at the end of the day they want the women and men to perform all sorts of heinous sexual acts.

Then there are the weirdos who may want to hire them to clean their houses or to satisfy weird fetishes. I am often appalled, because I have to remind them if they now the difference between an escort service and a modeling agency.

The truth is, our society has become so morally bankrupt that professional lines are being crossed every day.  Female models as well as male models are feeling pressured into engaging in illicit activities. At times they will get real bookings which turn out to be horrific nightmares.

Modeling is no longer cut and dry.  Many models are risking life and limb, to perpetuate a profession which once stood for elegance, charm and style. There are entities battling to make the modeling profession “the oldest profession”.

  At times I wonder if they are succeeding. It is a rough day for Managers in this current market. There are models who claim they want the opportunity to be part of a unique industry, yet, they are unreliable. They never show up on time for casting calls, call backs or bookings.


 Chapter 4: Games

 There is a sense of disrespect that looms simply because some of them develop exaggerated thoughts of their own importance after a small taste of notoriety (i.e.) a magazine cover or commercial.

Instead of becoming known for their exemplary work, many are being ostracized because of their legendary unreliability, temperaments and tempers. When they do attend any of their appointments, some are high or strung out on drugs. Then, there are the ones who have a very laissez-faire attitude, which bewilders me. They will spend thousands of dollars for their portfolios,  but, they never want to attend any bookings.

I pondered what sort of game they were playing. Then, I figured it out. You see, the magic words, “I am a model” draws men like flies. Most of the women and men, only want to appear as if they are on the fast track to being supermodels. What they are really trying to accomplish is, to snag a billionaire or trillionaire husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend.

Some of the talent today would much rather participate in the horizontal mambo, than put in the time and effort to hone a career.  The task of attending casting calls, go-sees and such; has become too distressing for them. They would much rather “hook-up” with athletes, rock stars and movie stars, instead of developing their own fame and fortune.

A good percentage of today’s models are investing in the man plan. If the man plan does not work, then they secure their situation with the Babies ” R” Us contract. This usually guarantees them astronomical child support payments….Or so they think. Because as rich as some of their suitors may be, many turn out to be deadbeat dads.

Which ultimately leaves them back at square one. For some models, the whole man plan façade works quite well, and they do get paid quite handsomely after having a few offsprings. But what about the models who end up worse off than when they started out?

Managers are finding it increasingly difficult to govern their charges properly, simply because they do not listen to sound advice. The young women and men, tend to get caught up in their own publicity or the limelight of others. Losing themselves in the process.

It is difficult to shepherd individuals who will not take heed to sound advice and wisdom. It all boils down to cultivation of work ethic. There are many parents today who are dropping the ball on good, old fashioned work principles.

They have fallen victim to the over glamorization of self and using personal assets to get ahead. They have brainwashed their children to think it is the easy path to riches. We all know that anything that comes easy in life, may be instantly ripped apart and torn down.

 Everything we do in life needs to have a solid foundation. Foundations are what makes buildings last, marriages endure and lives much richer and interesting. Without a solid foundation, we live in constant fear that anytime, the success we attain can be taken from us if we do not acquiesce to other’s impropriety.

In the Caribbean, they have saying, “Long route draws sweat, while shortcut draws blood.” In other words, when we take the traditional, tried and true way, we may become exhausted and tired, but we do arrive at our destination. While, if we choose to take the easy or quick way, it could lead us into a whole heap of trouble or worse, we could lose our lives.”

The new generation of models are living mindlessly, going with the flow. In the end, we all know only dead fish go with the flow. In this life where there is oftentimes unimaginable bollocks circulating; we have to create our own rendition of security and prosperity. Everything else is truly fodder.




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