Me, My Sisters And I


During the course of a lifetime you become aware just how complex and puzzling life can truly be. Even when you feel you have mastered every emotion possible there often comes a time when new emotions arrive and they bring enlightenment.

For most of my life, although I have sisters I have felt like an only child simply because I find my sisters to be even stranger than I am.

I was raised to embrace family, especially when they are not as good as you would like them to be…My sisters have other ideas.

It seems as if they would much rather put their trust and belief in friends and at times scoff at rallying around each other.

There are days when I care about them being so isolating and then there are the days when I think, “Good for them, they are living the lives they want. I hope they are happy.”

Nevertheless, there are always times when you wished things and circumstances were different.

I recently became aware my biological father has a heart condition which basically shed some light on the reasons why he has been distant with me and has been keeping me at bay.

So far this year he went through a rough patch when he underwent a surgical procedure and during that time complications with his heart become apparent.

Most of my life I was told by my biological mother that my dad had a slight heart problem even when he was in his younger years, but, I just chalked it up as her being overzealous about his health.

Anyroads, as it turns out, he really does have a critical issue going on. As a lion who is stronger than iron, he tries to downplay his health issues partly because he does not want to cause alarm and partly because lions are supposed to be brave and courageous.

His condition is at the point where his physicians are urging him to have another surgery but I don’t think he should, because there are several alternative methods that can be exhausted before turning to aggressive means.

His health has been of some concern for a while but he has been keeping it from me because I think he feels I will freak out. However, I am learning in this life you have to proceed gingerly flowing with the conditions which present themselves.

It isn’t an easy task but in order for you to process things in a sensible manner and allow the other party to deal with their situation, you just have to remain calm, cool and collected.

Although I have sisters, for much of my life I have been raised and felt like an only child. So, for me, my journey is about loving with detachment and being strong enough to handle the challenges which come my way.

As an older sister I have got to be the one who is perceived as an unshakeable pillar of fortitude. For me, some days it seems like a tall order but I often surprise myself and rise to the occasions which crop up.

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