Provocation 101


I know to some folks I may seem like a light weight, a bit dizzy like a blond and probably not as deep as I can be. To these individuals I would say, “Shame on you for underestimating me!”

Most of the times I know more than I am willing to let on. For instance, the times when folks or the community in general are exposing me to difficulties for no earthly reason I know it is part of a bigger, much more sinister plan.

You see, I know the games people are playing when they set up plots  like defunct gas pumps, or create dangerous scenarios that will have me out of my gourds, especially when they attempt to block me in  parking lots so there is no lee way for me to escape.

It is all part of a nasty, dutty plan to have me carry on like a “viragoe” so they can call the authorities suggesting I am disturbing the peace or acting disorderly. Then they will insinuate I am going off my rockers AKA crazy.

Then, they well proceed with trying to admit me to some facility for a psych hold suggesting I am cracking up where they would ply my body intravenously with tranquilizers and sedatives in order to take advantage of me sexually, and only G-d knows what other sick, sadistic ideas they would have hatching.

When I lived in Tampa, I once observed police officers going around knocking on the doors of women who lived alone pretending they were there because someone called about an altercation.

Once in the apartments, they would proceed to act however they felt, reporting the matter in their favor. Since, I was in the habit of kvetching to myself on a frequent basis I knew it would be matter of time before the harassment and provocation began.

So that was another reason why my family wanted me back in New York because there was too much monkey business going on. Sadly, it seems as if that monkey business has spread to the Big Apple.

Since my biological mother has emotional issues people at large have tried to discolor my image with the notions of mental incapacity. However, after being tested by the biggest and brightest minds in psychiatry they have determined I do not have any mental illnesses.

If I do exhibit any form of nuttiness it is because society has tried to drive me to the point of anguish with their harassing tactics.

The thing is, I am not crazy. If people do not provoke me or mess with my personal items there would be no need for me to carry on like a crazed lunatic. When evil doers play mind games it is with the notion they can get you so frenetic, you will make mistakes and lose heart. First they start off by establishing the fact you are going a little deficient in the mental area, then they will create ruses to have you seem incompetent.

Oftentimes kicking things up a notch by playing hide and go seek with various items, which has you looking as if you are careless. They will add other disturbing pranks to the mix such as  going unusually slow when you are attempting to accomplish business matters.

At which point, you become so exasperated and  irritated with their antics that you just have to call them out with a few choice words. The whole point of the dutty low down antics is really sexual harassment.

They hope through all their childish games that you will conform to their provocations because they perceive you as being feeble minded. One would think with all these high and mighty powerful figures being dragged up in society on severe charges of sexual harassment that it would stop across the board….But, sadly no.

It is now clearly obvious that the only time it will stop is when they make laws which will fine these individuals with exorbitant amounts of monies or when it becomes punishable by imprisonment. Then, and only then, will these harassers bugger off completely.


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