Unprofessional Games


In today’s society no human being, regardless if they are professionals or not are above impropriety. By this statement I mean that nowadays you will find professionals like lawyers, doctors and Indian chiefs playing despicable games you may experience at the hands of everyday workers.

For instance, there are many individuals going through hardships when it comes to their health because they are not able to get immediate appointments, or they are placed on long waiting lists because their insurance benefits may not be considered prime.

Many of these professionals are oftentimes not motivated to help their clients or patients unless there is something in it for them. Gone are the days when medical professionals do their jobs for the sheer love of healing.

In almost every profession today, although customers are paying premium rates for services, they expect them to sweeten the pot with all sorts of perks. Whether it is first class seats to sporting events, luxury vacations or trinkets; in order for patients/clients seeking to get their issues resolved they must participate in “payola”.

Many times when they do not comply their health issues or other matters escalate to critical proportions before they are seen or taken care of.

For instance, I used to bring baked goods to my healthcare provider’s office because I would be given samples of medications before I had a chance to fill my prescriptions. It was just my way of saying, “Thank You.”

As I have said many times before, I am not a taker and when folks are gracious to me, I reciprocate in kind.

However, I noticed on the appointments I was not bearing any goodies I was subjected to rude behavior, long wait times or complete cancellation of my appointments without any prior notice.

In other words, it was a way of subtly harassing me. Mind you, my visits were paid for yet, they chose to treat me disdainfully just because there was nothing in it for them.

On one appointment, I waited almost two hours beyond my given time just because the office staff was being spiteful and vengeful. I sat there with malaise feelings, respiratory issues and a fever until every patient who was there had left.

It took me many days to decipher that the ignoring behavior was a sign of harassment. But, as I analyzed the situation, I came to terms with the fact that I was not begging a sole for anything and no one had given me a thing to put down so how dare anyone treat me so crappily.

It then became an executive decision for me to accept the fact that no matter how good any professional was, he/she does not corner the market in his/her specialty. There is always, good, better and best.

So, when I find myself being shaken down by anyone regardless of their station in life I keep looking for the good, the better and the best, because after all, one monkey does not stop the show.

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