Error In Judgment


As humans, how many times do we get ourselves into situations without truly assessing the repercussions or consequences? For some of us, the number of times may be astounding, while for others it is not even fathomable or does not resonate because we are prudent with our decision-making skills.

I, for one try, to make the best decisions possible. However, I must admit there are times when it boils down to lack of quality to choose from and mere circumstances. In those instances I do the best with the hand I have been dealt.

I am often bewildered when seemingly clever individuals get themselves bamboozled into dire situations. But, it is so easy to judge someone from the outside looking in, we are very rarely clued into their actual dilemmas…

For instance, a friend of mine recently confided in me that her husband’s health was being used as a bargaining tool in order to get her to relinquish certain rights concerning her business or to get her to comply with illicit matters being run through the business.

If she refuses to go along with their criminal minded endeavors they will try to snatch her ailing husband, preventing him from getting his much-needed medicine, in the hopes he will croak.

It is all part of the criminals’ master plan to keep her quiet while going along with whatever disgusting favors they ask of her.

Most people know extortion is a crime and in a normal world one would go to the authorities, but when the authorities may be as jaded as the perpetrators what is one supposed to do?

At this point the only recourse she has is to pursue charges against these individuals for harassment, death threats attempted kidnapping and attempted homicide. It is unfortunate that nowadays there are some authorities who cannot be trusted and we as humans are actually forced to put our faith in the legal system or take matters into our own hands.

When we make decisions to go pursue business partnerships or collaborate with people regarding various ventures we do so with the information provided to us at the time and our gut feelings.

In the world which exists today, these tactics are synonymous to playing Russian Roulette because the insignificant information we choose to omit about a person may be the very thing which has the potential to sink the whole ship.

Therefore, It is always best to know all the variables and facts associated with potential business partnerships. For example, who are their family, friends, and associates?

Many times you are not conducting business with one person but a whole conglomerate or group, and for that reason alone you want to make sure your vetting process is second to none and that all your “I’s” and “T’s” are dotted and checked.

I often go with my gut feelings about everything, it could be something as insignificant as the way a person laughs at the trivial things they may say. As sure as the sun shines, it is the gnawing traits that often give the most insight into their snake-like abilities, the ones that can implode any situation in a nanosecond.

Experience has taught me that wolves will come dressed in sheep clothing. They will do and say anything to get into your game. But they will also change on you in a flash and that is when you cut them off at the pass. Because by then you were armed with information and warned by good senses.

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