Where’s My Muscle?


One of the many conversations my Godfather and I entertained was the fact that this world would soon become governed by individuals who were either more corrupted than criminals or were in the same league as them.

At first, I thought he was just being his philosophical, persnickety self but with each day which passes I am finding out his words were truly prophetic. Crime is at an all time high, terrorism is out of control and although there are some good men and women guarding and protecting, there are quite a few who have their own sinful agendas.

I am particularly riled up about crime today because my family is under attack. When I first came back from Florida and noticed people were dying like flies or mysteriously becoming ill I viewed the incidences as being isolated.

But after conducting some intense research of my own, I now know for certain everything which is unfolding is at the hands of the enemies.

Recently a member of my family was “worked over” because the thugs wanted the individual to show them where the family fortune was hidden. The blows they delivered created a major health issue which could have caused a fatality.

The family member was lured to a very dismal location under the auspices of a business development, and the person was attacked upon arrival at the venue. Several vehicles blocked the pathway, thus causing the family member to fight out of the “fix” they were in.

My question is, why are people resorting to thuggery when they did not lift a finger to help you earn your living or way of life? What is this underground movement which is unraveling their wrath among people to take control while pauperizing various communities.

I spoke before of Africans trying to take over and everyone believes I am making much ado about everything or I am being biased. But, I can assure you I am not. Although there are some good people in every race, there are also a large number of Africans who have unscrupulous intentions all in the name of gaining wealth, prestige and power.

Recently almost every region of Jamaica was flooded, homes and businesses destroyed. Cars were washed away and the whole country had no communication system.

I found all the events strange since the International weather bureau was always on task about reporting storms or dangerous weather fronts. When Irma and Harvey were coming they alerted all the powers that be.

This time around there were no warnings for Jamaica. It is as if this was some sort of secret attack or coup to besiege the country and take control.

Jamaica has been revealed as a country rich in natural resources as well as intellectual beings and humans who defy normal scientific specimen. There are principalities who view the country as a blessing while there are others who are viewing the country as a place they can seize and take charge of its people.

Jamaica has been and always will be a God-fearing country, and any entity who thinks they can ravage and pillage the country as they have a like, will soon know the wrath of God.

West Indians are prayerful people and sometimes that is the only muscle one needs in order to get things done or undone……

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