The Boomerang Effect


As a woman I am well aware that at times myself and other women tend to give men a hard time because let’s be real, they do misbehave quite horribly. But one thing I have realized over the years is that their shortcomings are a direct result of confusion.

Yes, just like us, they too experience aberrations of the brain and horrendous confusion. The type of confusion where they love you and they hate you, realizing they are playing a game for fools. (Just like the song…)

For instance, although I am one who never regresses back into relationships once they have ended, there is often that one person who makes me rethink everything. I am talking about the boyfriend who returns because no one else wanted him or could deal with him.

For some women, they may find it a triumph when the prodigal boyfriend returns. For me, it makes me more leery, anxious and suspicious. However, in some separations, various issues become more apparent, and one or both parties are able to see the error of his or her ways, creating a path for keener understanding and more meaningful dialogue.

As  a rule, I never backtrack, but there are times when I may take a second look-see to tie up loose ends and complete unfinished business.

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