Exact People

Greetings Fellow Vikings! As survivors of the world I am sure you all must have experienced your fair share of exacting persons. You know, the types who put a tape measure on everything. Quantification is the name of their game. Have you ever known individuals who keep track of every single phone call they have … More Exact People

Beyond Help

There are some people in life that no matter how much you try to assist and help them they never appreciate it or they make you feel like it is never enough. It is as if they want you to live your life and their life but only as it pertains to working and earning … More Beyond Help

The Pretenders

The older I become I have developed an awareness where I truly believe not all people are entitled to being in my inner circle. Growing up I was so meek, docile and mild I assumed everyone harbored a good spirit and were genuinely nice people. It is through my own dramatic episodes when I needed … More The Pretenders