The Horse Racing & Betting Association


One of the most painful things a human can come to terms with is the fact their entire life was a hoax. As I reflect and write this blog post I am coming to terms with the fact that all my misadventures were a direct result of The Horse Racing & Betting Association being involved in my life.

Once my adoptive father became heavily indebted to them, the nefarious characters involved in the HRBA began looking at me to collect infinitely. They would show up at my schools, places of business and even appear at certain intervals in my personal life under disguised suitors.

Nowadays when people ask me how I am doing, I would have to say, “Trying to keep my money in my pockets and pimps off my back!”

There is no act I can participate in without these lecherous characters showing up. If they are not trying to steal my identity or robbing me of my hard earned finances, they are plotting clever ruses to get jalapeno in my nethers.

For me a simple trip to any physician could easily turn into a horror story. Many times I am not even seeing the physicians I am supposed to. Instead, impostors are put in their places to take advantage of me and if I am not savvy enough to elude them, literally my arse would be grass.

A typical day for me involves fighting off shady characters, preventing extended family members from trying to steal my identity and take my place, and keenly observing the professionals who are there to help me but appear to be somewhat questionable.

Ever since I returned from Florida my life has been a virtual psychological thriller, with me running through a maze trying to escape.

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