Realization of Breakthroughs


As humans we go through life on automatic pilot. Many times we rarely question our relationships and the people around us because we assume they love and care for us and want us to succeed.

It is through living life and encountering adversity that we find out that many people in our circle are not for us. They may like the idea of being connected with us and the perks it yields. But at the end of the day when your connections are tested we often find we are living in a world where folks are fickle and disloyal.

Many of my breakthroughs and harsh realities occurred once I decided to start my own company. It was then I heard all the criticisms in the book. I was bewildered by the negativity until I took a moment to reflect and I became more aware.

I learned that people prefer when you are part of a group or large organization even if it means you are being harassed, disrespected and going through unnecessary hoops. Even though they know you cannot get rich working for someone else, they can only tolerate you when you are being pushed around by Corporate America.

The moment you decide to take your destiny in your own hands and take a risk every negative trait about you is revealed because they would much rather break you down at a pivotal moment than build you up so you can go forward and succeed.

In the days when I felt so criticized and alienated by everyone, I also came to terms with the fact that the only opinion which really mattered was mine and God’s. If I did not have confidence in myself no one would.

I also became aware that a good percentage of people are great at delivering negativity and never solutions. So they will tear apart your life, but they never have suggestions or solutions to do it better.

My philosophy then becomes, “You cannot knock someone down when they are making an earnest effort from the crummy hand they have been dealt.”

You can either cheer him or her on, be supportive or excuse yourself from the chain of events. But you do not get to taunt anyone when they are trying despite the odds stacked up against them.

Entrepreneurs will attest to the fact, there are days when you feel there are many breakthroughs around the corner and then there are days when deals just fall apart for no earthly reason.

At which point you could go into BMW mode (bitch, whine and moan) or you can get on with things beginning again with different strategies. Sometimes you even feel like a nomad wondering through the desert of life. For me, it is the little victories that keep me going allowing me to remain hopeful.


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