The Sunshine Of Our Lives

Vikings, it is going to be a weekend of snow storms in the North East according to the weather bureau. The same people who only a few days ago had declared there was going to be snow and as people ran around roasting in outfits synonymous with the abominable snowmen it appeared to be a false alarm…..Go figure!

But, just to be on the safe side carry your golashes or whatever snow gear you feel comfortable toting around just in case the meteorologists hit a home run.

Speaking of comfort zones…It is strange how life forces us to come to terms with certain truths about our relationship with others. For instance, through observations life has taught me that each one of us has a “person”.

A person we go to with all sorts of drama and silly nonsense. A person who makes us feel comforted and calm. A person who no matter how much drama they bring, we are willing to get on the drama jetliner even if we have to wing it all the way.

This person could be a family member or at times has very little to do with blood relations, love relationships or connectivity. It is usually that one person who we enjoy their energy and being around.

For my granny, it was my adoptive father. Although she loved all her children dearly, if he told her they were going to engage in guerilla warfare Granny would say, “I’ll suit up!”

Even if her arthritis was flaring up, she would anoint herself with bengay and prepare for battle. Granny also adored my youngest uncle, but even when she spent time with him she would get antsy and demand to go back to Disney World New York where my adoptive father reigned.

For my biological father, it is my youngest sister. As far as he is concerned she can do no wrong and since she usually has situations under control she often wins his admiration. Whenever she is around he is as happy as a lark.

I completely understand why because she is a scorpion like myself and wherever we go we usually bring comfort, joy and maybe just a tad of fun drama.

I used to think I was that person for my adoptive parents but my high strung nature proved to be too much for them to handle at times. I think they prefer much calmer, theatrics-free individuals.

Anyroads, for my eldest aunt it would be her daughter and for my biological mother, her “person” changes quite frequently, according to how she is feeling. One day you are on the good list the next day you are on the shite list. But at least it is congruent with her ailment.

For me, I haven’t figured out the person who I would endure the ride of chaos and wackiness with because each time I feel as if I could go the distance the contenders often take things to a superlative level of ridiculousness which douses my spirits.

Nonetheless, I appreciate the warm fuzzy feelings one gets from knowing his/her special person is around. For them, their world is complete when their “person” is near. Whether they are experiencing turmoil, blizzards or monsoons, just knowing their “person” is close by makes all the difference.

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