Women Cannot Be Trusted

friendship-betrayal-quotes-1As women one would think we are all loving, nurturing and caring. However, I have found you cannot ever trust another woman. Whether it is a close friend, sibling, or relative, most women have hidden agendas and are often quick to throw you to the wolves if it will help their cause.

I cannot tell you how many times when I was peacefully going about my business and became sidetracked by malicious rumors or people trying to undermine my efforts all while pretending to be my friends or looking out for me.

Over the years my greatest enemies proved to be camped out inside my own family. They were either vying for my place in the family, or trying to get their share and the lion’s share through speaking ill of me so others would find me unappealing.

The truth is, when I think of everything I have endured, I realize true friends do not exist and family does not have to be the people you share the same DNA with. So for all the people who are practically killing themselves and creating mischief to be in my family, they can have them all because I am done fighting for  a place in people’s lives who have no loyalty or regard for me.

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