
Howdy Vikings! It is going to snow today. How do I know this….? Because the weather person said so. I could be skeptical and not believe but who wants to get caught in a blizzard without the right gear? So, like a true meteorological disciple I will wear snow boats and other garments because I believe the … More Skepticism


At this point in the game of life I have felt it necessary to conduct my own Public Service Announcement because once again critics have twisted the horrible events of my life into something despicable. I recently became privy to the fact that a serious complaint was made regarding my car accident in 2000. It … More PSA


Child birth is a very sacred and private experience which should only be shared between a birth mother, her partner, a female parent and other children if age appropriate. Research has determined there is no scientific evidence which supports closer relationships between husbands and wives or partners when all the private details of childbirth is … More INAPPROPRIATE