Mishaps Occur

I am well aware there are a number of people who have an issue with me using my birth name “Bailey”. I do not know why because it was the name given to me when I was born at the University of The West Indies in Jamaica. It is the name which proves I am not … More Mishaps Occur

Magic No. 12

If all the horrific events which have been taking place in the world has not made you confirm this is a Mad, Mad World, then perhaps finding out that grown men on the verge of senior citizen status are seeking to marry girls 12 years old and younger will make you revolt and rally with … More Magic No. 12

The Slow Boat

We live in a society where every and anything we want may be attained by the snap of a finger. If you are fortunate enough to live in a large city then you will know it rarely sleeps, therefore a life of accessibility becomes the norm. Meaning anything you want is either a phone call … More The Slow Boat

Whatta Bum!

I have often heard my Nona say, “Be careful who you help because they will turn around and lord their successes over you. Before you know it, they will try to treat you like dung beneath their feet.” As usual, it was often one of those conversations where I walked away mystified, reluctantly reassuring her, … More Whatta Bum!