“Ended” Along Time Ago

It is funny how you can tip-toe through life as if walking among lovely, refreshing tulips and not realize there are people who have it in for you. They could be people you know very well, such as family members, friends or associates or, they could be absolute strangers.

I often thought I was a swell person when it came to friendships, relationships and such. Although a tad particular, it did not stop me from giving my all to my friends and those in my circle.

I soon found, I was living in a fairytale world when the venom was unleashed and the magnitude of hate was revealed to me. I believe my beau was the first person to hint at the type of sinister hatred I was dealing with when he suggested I watch the “Nanny Diaries”.

It was at that pivotal moment I recognized some incidences which had occurred in my life which appeared similar and I just thought folks were joshing around. The most poignant line in the movie , “Lady, people want you dead….” rang decibels in my psyche and soul.

If the movie was not enough to give me food for thought, when my accident happened and I was convinced I had to take pain medications in order to elude the discomfort,  I became frighteningly aware everything had been orchestrated to lead me to a life of addiction and death.

Lucky for me that even before I started studying alternative medicine as a career, I had been a flower child of sorts where I rarely dabbled in unnatural substances. However, according to the time frame of the accident, I had not become quite versed yet in the various herbal remedies which were available to me for healing and as a result I fell right into their trap.

My pains were so excruciating at times I was placed on a cocktail of about four medications, flexerill, tramadol, imitrex and darvocet. It may seem to be quite the routine cocktail of drugs but it was not.

You see, for me who had a predisposed condition of an enlarged liver, Darvocet especially, could have caused more harm than good. Not only is it addictive but it contained acetaminophen which is known to cause liver damage and liver failure.

Therefore when I started developing unexplained rashes and other severe symptoms associated with hepatomegaly I then felt it was the medication that had been sabotaging my body but I was not 100% sure until I spoke with one of my New York doctors. It was confirmed the Darvocet could have very well caused more complications than necessary.

Once the Darvocet was eliminated I felt sort of okay but something still did not seem quite right. For years my physicians were prescribing tramadol for me and I would find myself waking up in a confused stupor, or feeling as if the life was leaving my body.

When I questioned the sensations I was experiencing,  I was told on a regular basis it was the only drug for me and the effects would pass.

I began noticing there were times when I would be angry over little things and I thought it was my hormones, then I found out there had been a drug recall on Tramadol and it was because of the very symptoms which were evolving in my body.

If one took the time to read the scientific side effects of the drug, on the top of the list is it’s ability to cause patients feelings of disorientation, and bouts of narcolepsy. It is also infamous for causing unexplained anger in hyperactive and anxious persons.

Now, anyone who knew me from childhood until now will know that my profile is not of one who should have been prescribed Tramadol. By nature I can be a very high strung person and due to my claustrophobia I experience bouts of anxiety.

The straw which broke the camel’s back occurred when I had gone to a urgent care facility because I was experiencing severe musculoskeletal issues and I was given Tramadol.

My blood pressure plummeted severely, and I began experiencing dizziness and vertigo at the same time. I fell asleep on a Friday afternoon and did not wake up until two days later. It was then I became painfully aware that either there was something “extra” in those pills or they were wrongly prescribed for me.

There just came a point when I made the decision to go cold turkey regarding all the pain meds and forged ahead into my knowledge as a practitioner regarding herbal remedies.

Once I had been trained properly and knew the appropriate botanicals to take I should have made the switch, but there was a part of me who wanted the quick results of conventional medicine.

The truth is, whether it is the Republic of Lena, The Zionists, or some other principality, they wanted me gone a long time ago. Since I am not one to play their games or conform.

Surely, they will come as friends, helpers and all sorts of other professionals but at the end of the day if I am not discerning they will unleash their brand of “hitmania” the world has never seen. So for that reason alone, I do not entrust my healthcare fully to anyone. I question, research and then use my own natural health knowledge and intuition to enforce proper and safe healing.


Zionists:  My biological father’s enemies. (“If you can’t ketch quarkie, yu ketch Im shut.”)

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