Sick Of The Race Issue!

My family came to America and have absorbed all the rhetoric on race so much so they do not know who they are anymore.

From the time I was old enough to comprehend my nona dinned into my brain, “You are Scottish, Dutch, Irish, Greek and don’t you ever forget that!”

Now that all my female cousins have gone out there and married purely for financial gain and brought in individuals who do not represent any of these ethnicities all of a sudden they want me to denounce who I am.

They are secretly waging a silent movement where they do not want me to claim my Scottish, nor my Dutch, nor my Irish, nor my Greek roots because the in-laws who do not have the DNA and genes have bought ancestry in our family.

Since I am the only one to date, who has fervently upheld everything my nona’s family stood for I am the one they want excommunicated.

It is not my problem they did not seek to carry on the family legacy by living accordingly. Quite frankly, I do not care who they marry, what I object to, is the fact they are trying to take away my heritage and legacy from me to give to others who have not earned the right.

When my cousins are telling me I should not let anyone know who I am related to in this family, it sounds like a cover up to me and a denial of my ethnicity and everything my grandmother taught me as a child.

I will not address this issue ever again as I am confident in my roots. I am more Irish and Scottish than they are because I have the DNA on both sides…Except, from my biological father I have gained authentic, unfiltered East Indian genes which none of them have and that makes all the difference. I will not stand for them trying to sweep me under the carpet as if I am some scientific mutation.

In America there may be confusion regarding genes, heritage and race and the existence of color. For me there is none because I was raised as a  tanned European Jamaican, with strong Asian roots and I will not allow anyone to deny me that right.

So, they can huddle amongst themselves to try and isolate, alienate and abandon me but God is on my side and as far as I am concerned that is all I need.

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