Magic No. 12


If all the horrific events which have been taking place in the world has not made you confirm this is a Mad, Mad World, then perhaps finding out that grown men on the verge of senior citizen status are seeking to marry girls 12 years old and younger will make you revolt and rally with annoyance.

These current shenanigans have only confirmed how truly hypocritical our world has become. When a random adult plays with a child intimately, they are thought of as being guilty of pedophilia. Yet, because money is exchanging hands for these underage marriages it is perfectly acceptable.

The floundering economy continues to create casualties. This time around it is the children. If they are not being massacred, they are being sold to the highest bidders for fun and pleasure.

The sad part is, they are being betrayed by those who are supposed to love and protect them. Parents and guardians all over America are choosing to survive by selling their children.

Whether it is through pornography, loveless marriages or human trafficking many of these kids who turn up missing year after year and it seems like a tragic mystery are being misled and discarded by the adults who are responsible for them.

The question which most people should ask themselves is this? What does a grown man find appealing in a little child?

First of all, their minds and bodies aren’t fully developed so anything beyond a casual friendship is just sick and disgusting!

People once thought these underage marriages were only allowed to take place in religious sects, but in modern America, they are becoming rampant. The only things which will result out of such unions will be damaged adults who give birth to and raise more damaged children keeping the cycle of dysfunctionality going.

Therefore as we look towards the future we can only expect to find a misanthropic society where pedophilia and incest are the norms and yet we wonder why all these horrific events are unfolding in our midst.

God is trying to get our attention. He is saying that most of us have departed from virtuous ways and we need to restore our faith and Godly principles or else we will be doomed as a society on the day of reckoning.

I believe everyone is entitled to religious freedom and their own version of faith. But, one thing I do know is since they stopped praying in schools violence against children have escalated.

Spirituality is as necessary as the air we breathe. Without it, life is shallow and meaningless therefore they should bring back prayer into our schools and homes. Those who do not want to participate should have the right to excuse themselves.

However, they should be aware they cannot escape God and wherever you run to he is always there. It is only a matter of time before he turns non-believers into believers.


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