The Breaking Of A Man


When a scorpion woman is scorned she takes her wounds like a champion and then seeks to reinvent herself. As I realized I was in the throes of defeat where a family member if mine had sought to take over my life, man and perhaps identity I came to the conclusion I had to fortify myself and step up my game.

It is true you can’t cry over spilled milk, but, every good scorpion knows it is a prudent move to form certain alliances with individuals who can prove most helpful and take the sting out of life.

So as I proceeded to build my life back which was desecrated because my family members had me looking like a dumb, naive arse, I knew eventually the real colors of everyone would eventually show and I would be vindicated.

The majority of my cousins are all about money. They will use money to buy any man or woman they want or they will try to take away someone else’s man/woman if they have money they want to get their hands on.

Therefore, once the honeymoon was over, my cousin began rearing the negative DNA in her. Most people believe I am “hot” like my female cousins but their “hotness” and my “hotness” are two different things.

I would much rather like to think of myself as being lukewarm.  To some, I may be “hot” in the sense of body dimensions, but they are hot in the sense they will take over any and everybody you introduce them to or even if you do not introduce them they will use their connection with you as an in.

Once my cousin had the keys to the kingdom, meaning, access to my beau’s bank accounts, homes, cars and everything else she decided it was time to let it all hang out. She felt she had him right where she wanted hin…Wrapped around her little finger.

She began bringing men into their marital home night and day, bedding them in the marital bed when he was away on business trips. She would have gotten away with the fake paternity had she not gotten overconfident and decided to take advantage.

Once my beau found out she had been unfaithful several times with members of his staff who were considered subordinates he demanded a paternity test and that is when the shite hit the fan. By then it was too late because she had practically emptied his bank accounts and bled him dry.

Not being able to withstand her betrayal and misappropriation of his finances he succumbed to a heart attack which nearly cost him his life.

I guess I should be striking up the marching band and having a celebration parade of my own but for me, it is a shallow victory. I always knew karma would show up but the manner in which it unfolded even I had to say, “Damn!”

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