They Want My Social Security


The past several years my life has been a stealth mission due to the revelation of matters which indicated my identity is at risk. I am not quite sure when all the deception started but one thing I am sure of is there is an underground movement which is seeking to get hold of my social security information.

My guess is it could be the Republic Of Lena since they figure since I am such a misanthrope in their eyes they would much prefer to deal with my biological mother instead of me.

Perhaps they are thinking of putting her in my place so she may collect on my social security once I am of retirement age and since she is generous to a fault, they know she would share the spoils.

I am not quite sure how they would get her on board with all the shenanigans but I have encountered enough weird moments to know none of them are random and that I am currently a target for identity theft.

Almost on a daily basis people are trying to hack into my accounts or I end up uncovering individuals using my name in some way, shape or form. In order to stay one step ahead of them, I have come up with creative ways to elude the vagabonds.

The truth is, in today’s unstable economy your documents which confirm your identity are not safe anywhere. In the old days, folks used to take their docs to banking institutions and private security firms for safe keeping.

But, those tactics proved to be inefficient because many of the employees would sell peoples’ information for their own financial gain. Nowadays with all the various incidences of identity theft and suspicions of cloning, I think most people are warming up to the idea of keeping their vital personal information on microchips.

Identity theft has become such big business that people are resorting to acting like international spies in order to fool the thieving individuals who believe they are fooling them.

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