Punctilious Persons

Society judges us by our actions and often times they feel the need to find the DNA connection between us and our respective families. In my life I would most definitely read as a Nancy Drew book called, “The Matter Of The Hidden DNA series.” Why you may ask? Because my inherent family traits are … More Punctilious Persons

Marrying Right

Every person has his/her own idea regarding what he/she wants their marriage to look like. Some want traditional marriages, others not so much. These are the ones who create an illusion which they label for all intense purposes, and call it a “marriage”. Most of us on the outside looking in know it is anything … More Marrying Right


In my younger years, I was a whipper snapper, a dare devil and I lived life to the fullest. As I matured and realized that there were haters who were truly out to get me I decided I had to curtail my life and activities. Not because I was intimidated by anyone, but because I … More BEYOND OBSESSION