The Revelations Keep Coming!


Dear Vikings if you hang in there and live long enough eventually all the dirty dealings and underhanded mischief which was done at your expense gets revealed.

Over the years I never really trusted my intuition because to the scientific mind it was not conclusive and basically one’s intuition is just hunches. Yet, all my whacky feelings and notions have proven to be true. As it turns out I am rarely wrong!

Many persons who have been metaphysical teachers have told me I have the gift. Therefore it will not be a surprise to you when I reveal the hunch I had about my ex-bestie knowing the suitor I introduced her to beforehand.

Let me recap: If you have been reading my blog diligently you will know I introduced my ex-bestfriend to her husband. On their very first date he chose to belittle me; while my friend who had asked me to accompany her on the date as the third wheel never corrected him and ended up disappearing with him for over 8 hours leaving me worried sick.

Back then I was so naïve to think that some woman would actually go off with a guy she barely knew until the wee hours of the morning. The more I thought about it I felt she had to have known him prior.

I don’t care how much chemistry you have with someone, no woman in her right mind is going to disappear with a guy in the dead of night until dawn after just one meeting.

Then I started racking my brain and replaying old conversations I had engaged in with her family over the years. I remembered that whilst I was working in the financial industry her father mentioned to me he was an investor.

Since he was a physician, he had only invested in mutual funds which were reliable like Nuveen. Therefore, I had put two and two together and realized it was possible she had known the suitor I introduced her to before.

The whole twisted game was just a ploy to bring me down. I had being seeing the best friend of her date for a bit but had broken it off due to his less than stellar ways, games and lies.

If her father had known these brokers before hand then it would not be so far fetched that everything which had transpired in my life from that point on was all a ruse to take me off my path.

Although I was supposed to have been the one who matched her  with her husband he decided to use their date nights to tell me about myself which was not cool at all. It was as if he had some grouse carrying for me for a long time when I had done nothing to him except turn down the opportunity to be matched with him via his best friend.

From the day she met him our friendship was never the same and it eventually died a natural death.

The more I thought about the whole sordid affair I realized I was a pawn in a diabolical plot. My intuition was right all along. I was being played the whole time because they had known each other previously and the charade was only a ploy to try to keep me attached to someone who I had no future with or who did not have my best interest at heart.

But it did not matter to her because as long as her life advanced and she got gloating rights over me that is all that was important. The opportunity to stick it to the glamor diva was more enticing to her….They perceived me as thinking I was all that and a bag of chips when in fact I was just living my life and being me.

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