Dating Unattractive Suitors


There comes a time in every woman’s life when you have to take a good look at all the pretty boys and decide you love yourself more. It is rare when you come across a man who is fantastic looking and a genuinely nice, caring person.

Just like some really good looking women, they believe their looks is enough to carry them off. It is as if they think one will be so mesmerized by their beauty that all other virtues such as  goodness, kindness, loyalty, fidelity and honesty will just dissipate from their admirers’ thoughts.

There was a point in my life when I had resigned myself to thinking that I was better off dating unattractive suitors. Most onlookers would have misconstrued my motives as trading in looks for someone who was minted but that was not the situation at all.

I had the ill-conceived notion that a suitor who was not caught up into his looks would have been more amenable and treated me better. I soon found out I was completely wrong!

I just felt many times we put up with more than we should simply because our boyfriends or girlfriends are exceptionally great looking human beings. After all, it is human nature to want the prize everyone will covet.

Yet, in the grand scheme of things it may not be good for us especially if the person or persons are not spiritually evolved.

As I dated individuals who were modest in looks but charismatic in other ways, I also realized that once they became accustomed to the relationship they too would start acting in immature and unthoughtful ways which really confirmed an idea I had been grappling with.

I came to terms with the fact that looks really were not the issue. The issue was whether or not the individual was intrinsically a good soul. If there aren’t any genuine virtues then one will find it will always be a shite storm.

When love interests are decent, good people no matter what happens they will seek to act honorably in all circumstances. There are folks among us who shine like diamonds however they lack basic respectability and good form.

Some feel they can do as they please because of their appealing natures. They are yet to understand life quickly changes and all their entitled thoughts vanish because age creeps in,  and times are altered significantly. These persons suddenly find themselves not being everyone’s cup of tea therefore they wished they had acted morally and suitably from the beginning.

There are both men and women who much prefer to go for individuals who are not as competitive in the looks department. I can certainly say they are selling themselves short because if they are not “correct” individuals their hearts will break just the same and when it does it will hurt even more because they will know they settled.

Experience has taught me to aim high no matter what. If it works out you will be glad you took the chance. If it does not, you would have learned from the experience and hopefully end up wiser.

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