Imagination Gone Rogue

I have been remiss regarding my blog entries because I have become quite preoccupied with the news. I am not sure if I mentioned this before but there are days when I literally experience news mania. If there is a weather front I have to know everything about the impending deluge. If its criminal activity … More Imagination Gone Rogue

Cameo Dads

Children who have fathers in the military are able to relate to my phrase “cameo dad” because for many of them that is what it feels like when their fathers are thousandths of miles away yet they parent them via telephone or skype. My life circumstances were always a tad odd since although I was … More Cameo Dads

Divorcing The Children

It is often said that mothers remain attached to their children because they are oftentimes reluctant to forget about them even when marriages end and they have moved on with other partners. Their ambivalence to sever the umbilical cords may be attributed to their remembrance of carrying their children for nine months as well as … More Divorcing The Children