The Real Culprits Of Our Circumstances


We are living in times where terrorism training and awareness has become the focal point of our days. No longer can we just saunter about mindlessly because at every turn or nook and cranny danger lurks.

We are usually brainwashed into thinking that many of these violent acts which have played out in schools, places of worship, concert venues and businesses have been the acts of unmedicated crazy persons but the truth of the matter is the real crazies are only too aware of the consequences which come with acting out.

For them it is not worth the hassle of creating a national fiasco. The actual culprits behind all the violence and histrionics which have been unfolding in our midst are the handy work of alcoholics and drug abusers.

However, no one suspects them or even creates a fuss because drinking has become a national pastime of many cultures. Therefore for some countries functioning alcoholics are in their midst and they are not aware or could not care less because in their minds alcohol is deemed harmless.

Alcohol is just as dangerous as any chemical substance which is considered a drug. When over consumed it causes hallucinations and it can put the alcoholic in a state of psychosis.

Just like any narcotic or opioid, alcohol causes dependency and when individuals are not able to satisfy their drinking urges they become violent, abusive and have the potential to commit criminal acts.

Lately, everyone’s attention including government officials have been fixated on the opioid crisis, while alcoholics are flying under the radar and going unnoticed for the devastation they can wreak on a society when the disease is not controlled.

Many of the crimes which are being committed in society today are not done by bona-fide mentally ill persons but by individuals who are addicted to narcotics, opioids and alcohol.

Alcohol being the most suspect drug of choice since it is easier to access and less expensive. The only time alcoholism comes under review is when someone gets into a vehicle and drives under the influence.

Due to the violent times we are living in I feel that policies should be put in place by watering holes to manage the distribution of libations more responsibly. Families need to pay strict attention to members who make it a habit to drink on a daily basis.

If a person is working somewhere and a co-worker smells liquor on his/her breath constantly then he or she needs to alert someone because it could be a disastrous situation in the making.

The act of drinking alcohol has become a national past time on most college campuses and is viewed as a rite of passage. Perhaps folks need to start rethinking this activity since nothing good seems to come from the consumption of spirits. When used in hazing rituals people die, and when indulged in at social situations there are usually reports of date rape.

Alcohol is often used as a panacea for stress or to mask emotional problems. Once it is introduced into certain dynamics as normal it seems all sorts of bizarre happenings begin to unfold. Therefore, it is time for parents, communities and the younger generation to start thinking about other wholesome ways of having fun.

If one has to drink to the point where he or she becomes completely inebriated or mentally confused then there is something fundamentally wrong with that person’s life and it is not going to be fixed by looking at the bottom of a bottle.




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