One Big Drug Family


No one can even begin to fathom how unbelievably difficult the past few years have been for me. It is as if I went to sleep and woke up in a never-ending nightmare. Overnight all those who I was accustomed to and thought they loved and cared for me suddenly turned into ogres right in front of my very eyes.

I racked my brain night and day wondering what I had done to offend anyone and could not find one single moment which would deem me completely accountable. Yet, slowly but surely my love interest began to act differently, my cousins seemed weird, my adoptive parents began to act up in unimaginable ways, while their charges were trying to kick my arse all the time.

Even my biological father and his family seemed odd. All of a sudden my sisters began declaring they do not get along with me, which was news to me since we had shared so many hours of long conversations. I cannot even think of a time when we engaged in a knock-out, drag me down argument.

I felt as if I had been banished to Coventry and did not know why. The only saving grace I had was when I went to the pharmacy one day feeling quite upset and a young lad looked at me and said, “Don’t be upset, and don’t worry! None of these happenings are your fault…”

I had not said a word regarding what was bothering me, but he must have noticed the anguish on my face. I never saw the bloke again, but I do believe God has earth angels and sometimes they converse with us at pivotal moments when we need an encouraging word.

The whole encounter may seem trite to some, but those words have kept me going on the days when I truly felt like giving up. Just being able to know that the horrific treatment I was experiencing was not caused by anything I had done made all the difference.

However, I have spent a good portion of the past sixteen years reflecting on the possibilities of my family’s problem. The only logical explanation I can find is the infiltration of drugs and unsavory characters.

It is no secret that some of my cousins have drug connections which they have somehow parlayed into bringing in nefarious individuals in the family. To date, I have about eight cousins who are married to Pharmaceutical Reps, aka drug dealers.

Even the stronghold my adoptive mother’s grandniece has on my family is not without questions since her father was a known drug user and dealer in the nineties. How do I know this? Because my girl cousin who is like a sister to me, dated his best friend.

The two were promising gymnasts until their drug addiction began to take center stage. As it turns out, he is from Trinidad and so is my cousin’s current husband. As I have written many times before since she married him our relationship has never been the same nor the dynamics of our family.

It has also been rumored that my adoptive mother’s grand niece’s grandfather who was also from Trinidad was someone who was high-up in the drug dealing organization. Therefore, you can assess my frustration with the battle I am dealing with because there are abnormal forces at work.

As a matter of fact, it appears as if people are dropping dead like flies and fortunes are going missing. So, I began wondering about the peculiar ways in which my biological father had been acting along with my sisters.

I can only attribute it to my middle sister’s deceptive stance to consort with my ex-best friend who has dabbled in drug usage along with other members of her entourage. Therefore, as I looked at the situation like a Rubiks cube I began to solve the puzzle.

I was also reminded that my sisters as well as my adoptive mother’s grand niece also went to the same alma mater so it was possible they had secretly joined forces with her and the drug consortium against me.

It became very clear they all belonged to the Un-Elite club of drugging in some way, shape or form. Even my paramour was rumored as to having some sort of connection to the drug underworld, one of the reasons he tried to keep me diligently at bay.

So basically, I was Alice, wondering through Drug Wonderland. I would become the outsider because with each attempt to bring me into the fold I made much ado about nothing and raised hell.

The older admirer who had tried to woo me with a life of luxury was nothing more than a drug lord who was trying to secure my silence by showing me the luxuries of his Trinidadian kingdom. My defiance not to join their satanic drug clique earned me the spot of being ostracized because I did not play well with others in the drug world.

The bond which everyone is sharing is not of DNA and blood ties but of chemicals which bind and the dollar bills they bring in. So, they have all tried to shun me in many ways because I am the wild card.

One would think I would have gotten a clue when my shy boy cousin started taking up with a Colombian girl and out of nowhere decided to marry her even with a ready made family.

Although people say, “Love is unpredictable”, I find it very strange that a young male who was never married and  sheltered all his life would suddenly become attracted to a woman who had experienced the world and came off as being domineering, abusive and lacking in certain social skills.

In cut-throat empires people will turn on you in a nano second if they believe you will upset their apple cart. The truth is, I really don’t care about any of their shenanigans. All I care about is why it is so hard for any of them to be decent and civil?

There was a time when we all got along and enjoyed pleasant times, why has everyone become so diabolical, nasty, competitive and full of avarice?

I am no drug czar seeking to take away any of their territories, nor do I have any affiliations with cartels, so all the mob like behavior can be put to rest as I am no threat to any of them. The only time I would ever become their Achilles heel is when they endanger my health or life with their reckless dealings then, it becomes my business and then some.


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