Know How The Story Goes


Except for the Texas-Indian wars which lasted from 1820-1875, I cannot think of any other battle which has lasted more than 50 years. My own battle in life may qualify to compete with the Texas-Indian wars since my personal war has been going on for 53 years.

It is the battle of my biological mothers family and their hangers-on who do not know the details of my evolution and daily life but are constant sources of irritation to me. They are committed to creating histrionics and obstacles where there needs to be none.

Why you may ask? Simply because they believe that I am supposed to act a certain way towards my biological mother even though many times she can be mean, nasty and cantankerous towards me.

When people act in an ungracious manner I give back as good as I get. I am not willing to turn the other cheek because in today’s society and age it confirms that you are giving people the right to think they are better than you are.

As far as I am concerned NO ONE is better than I am!

I was never a person who frowned on illegitimate children or people living out-of-wedlock but given the horrific way I am being treated I have resigned myself to be equally as discriminating as everyone else has been to me.

It is a fact that the people who are considered bastards in my family are the ones creating most of the problems. They do not know the details of the true stories in the family yet they run around spreading diabolical lies and fabricating slights where there are none.

They all act as if they care about my biological mother so much yet they do it from afar. It is funny how they always snub her when it comes to family functions and formal events yet they claim they “looove” her so much that they would destroy my life to prove it.

I am not one for trying to get up in their world since I find mine quite fine and dandy. But she who is often showering them with presents and goodies is made to feel unwelcome whenever they celebrate any type of milestone in this family. Why is that?

I am never interested to attend any of their social occasions so they do not have to worry about dealing with me, especially since I keep myself isolated from them. One would think they would be open arms.

But that is not how my family operates. They like to stir the shite pot by getting on the bandwagon and finding one person who they can hate on and make a scape goat. First it was my aunt who died, now it is me they are taking on.

The thing is, I do not know any of these persons. All I know is they are “supposed” to be related to me. If I have experienced 5 encounters with them that would be considered many in my book.

Yet, they go on assassinating my name as if they know me and let me be clear….THEY DO NOT!!!!!!

These illegitimate persons have gone around spreading rumors insinuating I am illegitimate too which I am not. My biological parents were married when I was born. To me it appears to be a scenario of misery loving company.

I have never made it my business to meddle in their affairs. However,  they have become the thorn in my backside. Therefore, I have resorted to conduct research of my own. I have uncovered that they are the ones who should be blocked and ostracized as they are participating in all kinds of unsavory actions such as drugs, and prostitution while bringing down the family legacy in ruins.

They stole my great grandparents money from right under their rightful heirs and are using their ill-gained wealth to lord it over family members who have no knowledge or affiliations with them. Why? Because they think since they are engaging in Ungodly and clandestine dealings other members should not think themselves too good to participate also.

So all their lies and conjecture are only carefully planned attempts of harassing me and my affiliates.

Except, I only share a small percentage of their DNA so that does not qualify them to shite all over my life with their shenanigans. These individuals are classless and have only been given any credence because they have piggy-backed on my ancestors’ fortune and good name to carry out their illicit actions.

As the good song says, “I cant’ go for that…” I am in the process of putting together all the propaganda they have spread about me, I have uncovered the people they have bribed, threatened and warned to stay away from me,  including the organizations they have been so skillful at having me blocked from.

Once all the data is together I will be going forward with a defamation of character and libel suit. I am sick and tired of defending myself and my rights to have a peaceful, successful, normal life.

If it were not for some ancestors wrongfully sowing their oats with incompatible individuals I would not be experiencing such drama and misery in my life at this time. How can it be that people who are not legitimately related, or  know how stories go have any right to comment on my life let alone wreak havoc?

It just goes to show how truly corrupted America has become. When drug dealers and fornicators have all the rights we have sunken really low into the abyss.

In Jamaica they have a saying, “Know how story go first before you take sides and start commenting…”

These folks know of me, but they do not know me. They may think they know my biological mother from the times they spent together as children growing up. But that time has passed and she is not the same person she once was. When they have dealt with her on the level I have, and have endured the berating and cursing outs I have been subjected to then they can come and talk to me.

Knowing them as I do the interactions would turn into a brawl and they would be malicing each other right about now. So how dare they judge me when they have never walked not even a furlong in my shoes!

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