Why The Champumnanny Behavior?


We live in a world which has changed so dramatically that there are days when I seriously wonder if this is still the Great USA. People no longer care to be decent. They do not adhere to instructions, directions or even the little nicieties of life. They would much rather act uncivil.

I am finding it quite challenging to accept their rude and dismissive behavior especially when I am spending my hard earned money. I also believe others should not condone the despicable behavior being doled out.

It only makes some of these individuals more monstrous than they already are. The past few months have made me seriously re-consider some of my cousins’ bad behavior as it relates to other people.

The truth is, most individuals are just rude and offensive. It does not matter if they are public servants or professionals they are insensitive to cultural disparities and that is creating a severe problem.

As a professional myself I know as a fact that one undergoes special sensitivity training in order to deal with many different persons. Therefore, when someone is insolent, dismissive and downright uncivil you know they are sending a message they don’t care.

But you see, I am from the Jamaican Old School of “Approach with respect and everything will be Irie.”

The other day I encountered a situation where a “seemingly professional” person dealt with me in a very unprofessional manner. At first I just took the matter with a grain of salt but as I thought about it I confirmed her manner was a direct “diss”.

You see the individual who should have passed along information in a very scholarly and professional way deliberately chose not to. She chose to treat me as if she thought I was some “haul and pull up” person.

I do not know why she would even think that or feel that way since I was properly dressed. I can only attribute her behavior to my suntan. But once again, I will reiterate, things are not always as they seem.

This Irish-Greek-Indian-Jamaican has no qualms calling a spade a spade especially when feeling utterly disrespected or having someone believe they have pulled one over on me.

As a person who is considered white Jamaican, I now know why my cousin who is my bookend goes off on some Caucasian women the way she does. A good percentage are just impudent especially when they cannot place you.

But, that is not any person of ambiguous race problem. They have books one can read to get up to par with various ethnicities and culture.  I have found that even when people are supposed to be educated they act like morans.

My cousin although much fairer than I with green eyes has been pushed to the edge where she has gone off on individuals in the most horrific way. At first, one would think she is overreacting but I can honestly say some of these “unwoke” folks actually ask to be straightened out.

The other day I found myself making up Jamaican expletives because a clique of professional pea hens decided they were going to go full on mean girls. Well, let’s just say all my colors showed up to let them know otherwise.

There are days when you cannot help but warp into a champumnanny on some individuals who feel they are disrespecting you, and thinking you are too dumb to know the difference.

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