I Am Back


I left New York City in the late nineties because I was sick of the elitist, rude and abusive attitude most shopkeepers chose to engage in whenever I selected them to conduct my personal business.

In those days whenever they saw a whiff of a tan they automatically assumed minority and acted in the most heinous unconstitutional ways imaginable. Therefore I spent much of my days raising hell just to get the tasks I needed to get accomplished.

Most of my days I felt harassed, agitated and ostracized simply for standing up for civil liberties such as going to the store and expecting to be received with cordiality, help and an accommodating attitude.

To me these virtues come with the role of someone hanging a shingle as a business establishment. Therefore, if one does not exude these feelings then I think perhaps they should be in a different line of work.

After leaving New York City because I came away with a sense that people were prejudiced and if you did not exhibit your financial status brashly you were treated like turd.

I seriously vowed I would not be back because the days of battling had taken a toll on me and I did not want to live my life that way anymore. My Jamaican funny money was just as good as everyone else’s yet I was treated with such callous behavior and disdain.

Although I have been back for quite a while I have gingerly taken steps towards my full return because I am testing the waters to see if anything has changed. I can honestly say, although there has been a lot of construction and building up, the general tone and elitist attitude still prevails.

This time around it is being doled out by relocaters who want to conquer, divide and rule. The sad part is the classy, quality driven New York which once existed is seeming like a vague memory due to the “newbies” influence.

Politicians have done their best by getting on the horn declaring New York is an inclusive town free of prejudices and slights but I often wonder what New York they are talking about…Perhaps they are referring to the New York which exists in the game “Monopoly”.

The town seems more divisive and riddled with unprofessional individuals more than ever.

Despite my better judgment, I am back. This time I am not the young, fool-hearted girl most perceived me to be; nor am I a senseless twit, too dumb to determine when I am being treated in a despicable manner.

I am all too aware of the “killing with kindness” syndrome as well, so even though tactics  may have changed the game is still the same.

This time around I am back and with my own muscle. I may not go flittering about with a whole entourage, but they are there watching, waiting, observing and documenting the injustices.




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