Get Under Another One


We live in an era where love and marriage is disposable and relationships are just ways to pass the time until the next big thing rolls around. Due to the alarming rates in which unions are dissolving many advisers are giving solace by exclaiming. “The best way to get over a man or woman is to get under a new one.”

Realistically speaking it isn’t that easy. In our world today there is so much to take under consideration when becoming intimate with someone. Tinder has made it a breeze for people to hook up randomly which has caused a surge in the spread of STDS.

In the American culture it is heavily promoted that men and women should always seek to get their groove on or else they will be viewed as being weird or misanthropic. The truth is, I would tell my daughter or son to ignore the naysayers and act in a manner he/she feels they can live with.

It is better to be thought of as weird and reclusive than to be known as Typhoid Mary or Knob Rot Kyle. A man’s organs does not fall off if he does not use it, nor does a woman’s Pulcinella wither up and die.

If that was the scenario we would have all been scientific experiments from before we reached puberty. It is amazing the nonsense you hear and read nowadays all in the name of scientific research.

Why, just the other day I read an article about women’s bodies becoming defunct if they did not engage in intimate relations. I had no doubt the article was written by a man since as usual, scare tactics were being used to encourage the debaucheries of males.

Our society has become so obsessed with physical relations that their only recourse is to either intimidate women or scare them into getting involved without thoroughly assessing a situation making sure it is safe and right for them.

Relationships today are not about being fond of each other. There is so much more which needs to be taken under consideration. For example, is the person sane? Are they healthy? Or does he/she have a violent streak?

Loneliness should never be the motivator to get into any relationship. As my granny used to say, loneliness never killed anyone but a psycho might. Therefore, it is a good practice to take a sabbatical from relationships when one ends.

Take time to reassess what you are truly seeking from another person, and what you are willing to offer in return. As much as loving the one you are with may temporarily make you forget the one you are pining for, look before you leap.

Make sure the next object of your desire is tested for every disease known to man and even then you still have to proceed with caution because who knows where they go after getting tested.


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